Chapter 200: Flashback: Archaeological Site Egypt, Along the Red Sea, 1947

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Archaeological Site


Along the Red Sea


"That way!" Marion pointed. "I heard the scream in that direction."

She bolted forward.

"Marion! Look out!"

The stone floor tipped forward, revealing sharpened stakes. The sand slipped away, washing Marion with it.

There was a child's scream.

Indy dove, grabbing Marion's hands, pulling her to safety.

She trembled against him, cursing. "You'd think with engineering like that they would have figured out how to keep the sea out of their precious treasures!"

"Yeah," Indy mused, ideas in his eyes. "If we find that - we may have more time."

"Do we even have time to look?" Marion asked, peering into the darkness that the upturned stone had revealed.

"Didn't Abner think that some of the obelisks were floated to various sites along the Nile?"

"Plenty of other stone based ancient sites have theories like that," Marion answered.

"So there has to be a way to bring ships in... and that would mean, water controls," Indy thought out loud.

"The technology is certainly available. They did it in the ancient irrigation systems all the time," Marion agreed. "But I wouldn't know what that would look like... or the ancient words or hieroglyphs to look for."

"Can we make our own?" Indy asked.

"We brought plenty of rope," Marion replied.

The adventure continues in The Seven Swords of Diya: Part 2! 

Apologies for the confusion - I didn't know Wattpad had a chapter limit - so I created a part 2 for this story.  Link should be below in the comments. 

The Seven Swords of Diya: An Indiana Jones Fan Fiction Part 1Where stories live. Discover now