Chapter 6: Chinese Triad HQ, Chinese Restaurant, Philadelphia, PA, USA 1960

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"The Seven Swords of Diya?" Indy echoed, looking from Shorty to his grandmother. The tiny ancient woman shuffling about the cramped kitchen looked nothing like a crime boss. "What does a crime boss or a grandmother want with the Seven Swords of Diya?"

"So you know them?" the old woman chippered, amusement lifting her wrinkles.

"Yes," Indy replied. "I was supposed to hunt them down after the Japanese surrender in 1945 at the end of the Second World War."

"And did you?" She questioned.

"Yes. And like most of the swords and weapons confiscated by the US government - they were destroyed."

He eyes narrowed. "You lie, Dr. Jones."

Indy returned the stare, sensing that there was something more. "What proof do you have?"

"I'm a grandmother. We always know." She smiled. "More noodles, children?"

"Yes please, Grandmother!" Emily and Shorty chorused.

Indy frowned. There had been something unsettling... something knowing... in Shorty's grandmother's gaze. She returned with a second plate heaped high in noodles and continued to interrogate Indy. "Indiana Jones, if you had destroyed those swords - I would know. You see, they have been part of my family's legacy for a very long time."

"Shorty?" Indy asked. "Did you know about this?"

"Its news to me, Dr. Jones!" He looked toward his grandmother. "Why didn't you ever tell me, Grandmother?"

"You are not one of the daughters, that is why."

"Daughters?" Emily asked, looking at Indy. "There's a role for daughters in this...?"

Indy smiled at her. "Em - you know I've never let the fact that you're a young lady keep you from adventure."

"But others have tried," Emily growled. "Mac didn't want me in the Sidenstrasse mission... and getting a job, I'm always at a disadvantage because no one takes a 'girl' archaeologist seriously."

"I will," Grandmother announced. "It is women who were the original warriors who held the Seven Swords of Diya."

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