Chapter 153: Mountainside, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


The air seemed to be heated, snapping and cracking. Suddenly hair stood up on the back of Indy's neck. "Get down!"

Lightning flashed striking the ground above them.

"Whoa!" Shorty stammered. "Too close!"

"We need to get lower in elevation," Indy looked at Lizavet.

"There is no way down," Lizavet trembled. "Not from here. No way that is safe."

"Rain's coming," Emily watched the horizon, counting for the distance between thunder and lightning trying to figure out how close the storm was. "We don't have much time."

"If it is from the volcano, it will not be rain," Lizavet warned. "It will be acid."

"I remember crossing a creek in the valley below us," Emily announced. "And I think there's cave nearby. We'll have the risk the floods you were talking about but we'll be out of the rain."

Lightning struck nearby again.

"We need to go!" Shorty declared. "I hate storms! I hate lightning! And I'm wearing metal handcuffs! I'm a pilot lightning rod!"

Lizavet looked around. "We need light to see our way to remain safe -"

Lightning struck again. Shorty yelped and leapt off the trail, sliding down the rocky slope.

Emily looked at her dad. "Looks safe enough. I'm going."

"Em- Emily! Don't you dare -" Indy sputtered as Emily stepped off the trail and started to skid down the ash and gravel, shortcutting down the side of the mountain.

Indy stared at Lizavet. "I just stopped her from doing that fifteen minutes ago! She was better at listening when she was younger -"

Lizavet smiled. "I highly doubt that. Do you want to shaman travel?"

"No, I'm jumping and so are you. I like my normal reality." He offered his hand.

Lizavet gripped it, shut her eyes -

Indy saw flickers of a scared little girl, wrapped her in his arms and jumped.

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