Chapter 169: Flashback: Archaeological Site, Egypt, Along the Red Sea, 1947

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Archaeological Site


Along the Red Sea


Indiana Jones coiled four year old Emily's rope and wrapped it around her, caving to his Littlest Artifact's request to be an adventurer like her daddy. "Adjust that so it's about where you'd sit on a swing." Then he made a second coil. "Put that at your waist."

She obeyed. Indy checked the rope's tightness and satisfied, he tied a knot on both coils. "Hold on to that knot, no matter what, ok?"

"Ok. But then I can't brush off the hero-glyph-fixes."

"Hieroglyphics, Em."

She looked sad for a moment.

Indy tipped her hat up, and held her chin... always in wonderment of how much she looked like Marion but acted like him. "You almost got it, hon. It's a big word. Be proud of yourself for trying. You've got plenty of years to get it right."

He stood looping the rope around his waist and tying the knot, giving plenty of loose coil. "Ok, I'm going to lower you down. Let me know if you get scared or want me to stop." Indy paused. "Remember the mountain climbing word?"


"Right, Em. Remember what they taught you?"

"I stand at the edge and when I'm ready to jump off I say 'belay' and you say, 'belay on'?"

"That's it," Indy smiled.


"Belay on," Indy finished as Emily dropped into the shaft inch by inch.

"Daddy, more rope... this isn't exciting enough!"

Indy grinned in paternal adoration. He hated the name Junior... but Marion's use of Emmaline as a Latin feminine version of the name had been accurately foreseen. And he needed and loved his family. Life was wonderfully different, but no less adventurous. "You should be at the hieroglyphics, Em. What do they say?"

"Dunno. Can't read. It's dark."

Indy almost fell over in laughter at her response. He swallowed it, knowing he'd have to tell Marion later. At least the hieroglyphics bit, but knowing Marion she'd figure out the rest. Motherhood times two had made her even more canny. "Em? Ready for me to pull you back up?

"Kays. Uh... on belay."

"Belay on," Indy pulled her out of the shaft. He knelt. "How was that?"

"Woulda been better if there was a snake, or some bats or sumpthin." She struggled with the knot. "How do I get this off?"

"Let me." Indy untied the ropes and coiled them beside his whip. He paused not wanting to stand up as Emily hugged his neck.

"Can we play big rock chase?" She asked.

A grin slowly spread across Indy's face. "Yes." He swept her up in a sudden movement, and bolted from the tomb as Emily screamed in laughter.

The Seven Swords of Diya: An Indiana Jones Fan Fiction Part 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora