Chapter 124: Edo's Camp, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Russia, 1960

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Edo's Camp

Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Russia


"EM! RUN!" Indy ordered, his voice breaking.

Edo gripped Emily, pressing himself against her body and bit her across the mouth. Unspeakable fury raged in Emily and Indy's eyes.

"EDO!" Indy roared, scrambling to his feet.

The lava dome shattered under Indy's boots.

Shorty came out of his stunned flashback as the cracking of the lava dome snapped his nervous system into action.

Emily shoved her hand into her right jacket pocket, bringing out a set of brass knuckles.

She ducked her hand into her left jacket pocket - a cigarette lighter coming up - a single solitary flame against the darkness of the moment.

Shorty watched Emily in unbelieving awe.

It was like seeing Indy, only as a pretty lady brunette. Emily's foot slid backward, her arm came up, holding the cigarette lighter, knocking Edo's two handed grip off her jacket, burning him with the cigarette lighter, and then she followed it with a powerful rage fueled punch slugging Edo across the jaw with her brass knuckles.

Edo stumbled backward, onto the edge of the lava dome. It started to shatter in a slow down of seemingly eternal seconds -

Emily grabbed her whip and threw it. "NO, DAD! NOT WITHOUT YOU!"

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