Chapter 155: Valley, Kamchatka Wilderness,1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


The clouds mixed with ash and thunder. Lightning split the skies. Clots of ash and mud began to fall.

"There's the cave!" Emily pointed.

They ducked inside, Lizavet last, pinning herself against the side wall, shrinking into herself.

Indy glanced into his bag. "I might have some coffee or tea, if we get a fire going." He looked up. "Shorty, Em - look around for some kindling. If nothing else we need a light."

Lizavet cowered near the cave entrance, staring into the darkness.

"Do you see anything?" Indy asked.

"Nothing." She glanced back at him. "We should not be here. Caves are home to sacred bears," Lizavet cautioned. "And sometimes... the ones who knock."

"The... ones who... knock?" Shorty asked. "That doesn't sound sinister."

Lizavet swallowed. "I believe you call them wild men... or yeti. They are human like, but not... We have legends about some of them being shamans who were corrupted by the spirits that they sought power from."

Emily returned from the back of the cave. "Nothing. Will that happened to Edo?"

Lizavet shuddered. "No. If what I have spoken and seen... remains. Meaning, if he continues... being an insane creature is far less of a punishment than one who consults and befriends the apkallu." She looked at Indy. "That is why I told you not to offer yourself to them. Especially for my sake."

"But we...." Shorty stumbled through his words. "We care about you, Lizavet." He looked at Emily. "Will you get these handcuffs off so I can kiss her?"

Emily adjusted her hat and touched her hair. "I don't have a spare hairpin." She frowned.

"Hobnail?" Indy wondered.

"Too short," Emily mused. "Pen? Ball point pen?"

Indy reached in his bag. "I started carrying a pen after your grandfather used it to escape some Nazis. His was a fountain pen. Mine's more modern - here, Em."

Emily took the pen apart. "Turn around, Shorty. Dad, hold the light."

Indy held the cigarette lighter close as Emily took apart the pen and started using the spring loaded cartridge to pick the lock on Shorty's handcuffs.

"Got it!"

One side of the cuffs fell off. Shorty scrambled up, grabbed Lizavet by the shoulders and kissed her.

She slugged him.

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