Chapter 133: Unseen Realm, Flashback, Egypt, 1947

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Unseen Realm




Emily found herself staring at the ground, down into a pit. It wasn't full of lava. It wasn't at night.

Daylight. The desert. And she could smell the seaside.

Yet there was something very different about this land. It didn't feel... real. Not as real as it needed to be. But as real as a memory of trauma can make an incident. High detail. Piercingly high detail.

She noticed the hieroglyphics and read them quietly, a chill crawling up her spine.

Egypt, 1947. She'd been four.

"I know this place," she whispered hatefully grim, touching her scarred face. "And it's going to collapse on my head."

Suddenly Lizavet bolted through the strange land, grabbing her by the arm. "They've taken you into their turf! They did it to Shorty earlier - that's why he froze and couldn't help you! Run!"


Lizavet tugged at Emily's arm, pulling her along, searching the scene. "Is this a memory?"

"Yes." Emily could barely manage a single word.

Lizavet made an odd move with her hands. "They want you out of your head with fear so they can find the memories of where you hid the swords and steal them!"

The highly defined overwhelming image shimmered and tore.

"There!" Lizavet ordered. "Run through there!"

Emily bolted, Lizavet running beside her as the tomb from her memories caved in behind them.

The Seven Swords of Diya: An Indiana Jones Fan Fiction Part 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora