Chapter 150: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


The night had been transformed. Indy, Emily, Lizavet, and Shorty stood on the hillside, staring over the growling lava pit. Lava sloshed and boiled. The moon was hidden and blackness covered the earth. The air stunk.

The now exposed side of the mountain formed a growing bulge over the valley. Smoke blasted into the once clear night air.

"That was a geyser last night," Lizavet mused.

"What's that... smell?" Shorty winced.

"Sulfur. Some people call it brimstone." Indy put his sling partially over his face as Emily moved her scarf into a face mask.

"As in fire and brimstone?" Emily asked.

Indy gave a slight nod, resisting the urge to do a history lecture on cities and civilizations destroyed by volcanoes. He already knew their chances of survival against a volcano were rotten - he didn't need history as proof.

"What is seen is not as dangerous as what is unseen," Lizavet declared.

"Is that shamanism?" Indy asked hesitantly.

"It is both shamanism and the knowledge volcanoes," Lizavet answered. "I don't know if the apkallu are able to escape from here. The legends say nothing about the consequences of sacrifice pits being reopened - "

"I don't think its safe for us to stay," Emily coughed.

"I agree," Indy replied. "We need to leave before the volcano dust damages our lungs."

"The spirits from the underground are always takers of life," Lizavet stared across the valley. "I can hear them."

Shorty pivoted her away, nudging her with his elbows. "Like you said, we should leave."

"And we're gonna have to put some distance between us and this," Indy decided. "So it'll be an all night hike. Lizavet, lead the way."

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