Chapter 74: Flashback: Archaeological Site, Soviet Central Asia, 1955

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Archaeological Site

Soviet Central Asia (also known as the Steppes - open grassland similar to prairie)


Indy opened the tent flap and crawled inside. She was lying in a ball, clutching her arms around her body.

"Why wouldn't I want you with me?" He asked.

"This...! This whole woman thing!" Emily nearly spat, new tears rolling down her face. "Is this why all the famous adventurers don't want women to go with them? Because we bleed?"

Indy swallowed. "It is a consideration. But you're my daughter and I wouldn't dream of leaving you alone because you weren't feeling well."

"She said it's not going to go away!"

Indy swallowed. "It goes away and comes back, hon. It's a monthly... cycle. Like the moon."

"That doesn't mean I have to like it!"

Indy grinned. This was his child. "No. You don't have to like it. Most women I know don't." He brushed her face with his hand. "Why are you crying?"

Em slid forward. "I don't like this! I don't like being vulnerable! Anastasia said it has to do with babies. I don't want them now - so why do I have to have this now!?!?"

Indy kissed the top of her head as she clung to him. Brushing his hands thru her hair he thought back to his years with Marion before she'd left him, and taking Annie, after the tomb cave in accident where Emily's life had nearly ended. "Em..." he finally spoke. "I don't know why it's a repeat thing that you have to get so often and so early. I don't know why it's making you sick right now. But I'm not going to leave you. Ever."

"I don't like how this makes me feel!"

"Your mother used to have me put my hands where it hurt. Maybe you could try that?"

"Why don't you?" Emily asked.

"Because you're my daughter... not my wife. I don't feel comfortable doing that with you."

"Is it the blood thing?"

"No. I know what blood is. I'm not afraid of it. It's that you're my daughter and that's a something that Marion and I did." Indy watched her face. "Understand, Em? When you grow up and find someone to love you, then he can do that for you. It's not right for me as your father to be touching you like that. Got it?"

"So it's not me, but it is me?" She looked at Indy. "Do I make you uncomfortable now?"

"No, Em. Men have never been comfortable with what women go through." He smiled. "The shaman ladies, used to tell women it that it was the source of mystery, power and life."

Emily snorted and then fell over into a cramp. "There is nothing mysterious and powerful about what I feel right now. It's painful, scary and COLD!"

Indy shrugged off his jacket and eased it around Emily's body. "Feel better?"

"No... but some, maybe? I'm angry I have to go through this!"

Indy chuckled. "Em... the ladies through history have been dealing with this for a long time. They still conquered continents, made empires and raised children while dealing with this. Going through this means you're healthy, Em." He leaned closer. "And it also means that you're tougher than me. I don't want you to be ashamed of being a woman, Em. This definitely isn't fun or easy for you... but don't let it ever make you think that you can't do something." Indy kissed her on the cheek and crawled out out of the tent.

Anastasia was waiting. "How is she?"

Indy chuckled. "That kid. That dear girl is me." He looked at Anastasia. "She was scared I wasn't going to take her on any more adventures."

"And what did you say?"

"That I'd never make her stay home or at camp when she was... at this time of the month."

Anastasia smiled. "That is a smart answer, Dr. Jones. We are not incapable creatures. And it is better to have this than not at all." She paused. "The war took away my ability to give life. You should be very thankful for your children."

"I am, Anastasia. I just didn't realize how much until this week." He looked over the horizon. A plane was coming into land. "Damn. I think the KBG just found us!"

The Seven Swords of Diya: An Indiana Jones Fan Fiction Part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora