Chapter 143: Supply Area,Edo's Camp, Kamchatka Wilderness, 1960

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Supply Area

Edo's Camp

Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Russia


Indy and Shorty hid behind the ninja's supplies.

"They must have a plane to supply them," Indy mused, looking at the crates in parachutes. "We'll have to watch out for it, plus Edo and the apkallu."

"Got my pack," Shorty whispered. "There's Em's... and yours..."

"Mine doesn't have anything important Shorty. Just the maps and Mac's photos. And Em has the most important ones with her. Grab only what we need and can carry."

"Like dynamite?" Shorty grinned, holding up a stick of the infamous explosive, with his foot, because he was still in handcuffs. The dynamite was held in place by an entire bandolier which would fit across the chest and down the hips, like an outlaw's ammo in a western movie.

"And your emergency sandwich," Indy mused, reaching in his left jacket pocket and lighting the dynamite stick's fuse with his cigarette lighter.

"Hold off!" Emily dashed up behind them, ripping the fuse out of the dynamite. "Lizavet has to get her family sword and the other one - from Attu! Edo's got 'em both!"

"How?" Indy asked, grabbing his holster and bullwhip from the supplies. He handed the other to Emily, along with her brass knuckles. "She can't just walk up and take them -"

"Oh, yes she can," Emily grinned.

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