Chapter 163: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Shorty stared at Indy. "What did you both just signal? I know it was Morse code."

Indy grinned. "Its a joke."

"You signal jokes to each other?" Shorty stammered in disbelief.

Indy shrugged. "We had to work out something that no one would guess the reply. Since you're pretty much one of my kids, I'll let you in on it. Em, or the kid signals 'hungry'. And I, the grown up - or dad, signal back. 'Hi Hungry - I'm Dad.'"

"A... Dad... joke?" Shorty asked as they approached the mouth of the cave.

"Its the best joke ever!" Emily jumped forward and hugged Indy. "It means you're back! And you're home with me! No matter where we are -"

"Home is with you," Indy finished, cupping Emily's face in his hand, and sliding his hand behind her neck tipping her hat up to look into the deep brown eyes he adored.

Shorty set the wood down, as Lizavet moved, carefully stacking it to start a fire. "Can I help you?" Shorty asked.

Lizavet gave a nod, as she gathered some dry grass for kindling. Shorty pulled some matches from his pocket and stuck one, gently laying it in the small nest Lizavet had made.

Indy held Emily's face, as a flame grew. His eyes studied in amazement the adventurous young woman who was a mix of himself and Marion. "You cut your hair...?"

The Seven Swords of Diya: An Indiana Jones Fan Fiction Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora