Chapter 141: Edo's Camp, Kamchatka Wilderness, 1960

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Edo's Camp

Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Russia


Lizavet looked up from searching the ground. "We're next."

Emily didn't hesitate. "Dad - I'll get the swords with Lizavet."

"Shorty and I can take on the ninjas," Indy agreed. "Steal back our supplies."

"While I'm cuffed?!" Shorty wriggled his shoulders in demonstration.

"Your shrug made me drop the hairpin!" Lizavet retorted.

Emily tensed about to run, then paused, remembering Lizavet's warning about the knowing ones of the apkallu overhearing plans. "Dad! - the swords - in case you need to know - for Winslow."

Indy grinned, understanding the reference. "You learn from the best, hon."

"Sure do!" Emily grinned. "Can't wait to tell Mom that I unlocked the handcuffs in under a minute!" She bolted into the darkness with Lizavet.

Indy stared after his daughter. "Mom?" He looked at Shorty. "She's gonna tell her MOM? I'm the one who raised her!"

"It shows," Shorty replied wearily. "Trust me - it shows." He stared longingly after Lizavet. "I didn't get to kiss her yet..."

Indy grabbed Shorty by the jacket collar, pulling him in the opposite direction of his lovesick gaze. "Marion's gonna kill me... if apkallu don't first. This way, Junior."

The Seven Swords of Diya: An Indiana Jones Fan Fiction Part 1Where stories live. Discover now