Chapter 4: Outside of Washington DC, 1960

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The car exited the bridge and rolled onto the highway. Shorty pressed the gas pedal harder.

Indy checked the speedometer of the taxi and immediately regretted it. "Shorty... this isn't the same gangster family who's related to the emperor and I threw the emperor's ashes in their faces, is it?"

"No. That was her chief rival."

Emily glanced at Indy. "You never told me about that. Or him..." she pointed at Shorty. "I thought I was your only wild child. Not counting Annie."

"No need for that, Em. You and Annie are my kids... the only ones I know about. And you will always be my wild child," Indy murmured. "Shorty  saved my life. He's sort of my son. Taught me parenting before I had Annie or you."

"Two daughters?" Shorty whistled. "Dr. Jones - you've been busy!"

"They both know how to fight, Shorty. You've got no chance unless they give you one, and Em's not convinced."

"M?" Shorty glanced at Emily. "Short for Marion...?"

"No. I married Marion, after I came back from hunting the Holy Grail," Indy explained. "Em is short for Emmaline."

"Daaaad!" Emily groaned. "Did you have to tell him my full name?"

Indy grinned. "Em - I like that you're my little rival."

"You certainly taught her well, Dr. Jones," Shorty glanced at Emily. "Your father caught me picking his pocket when I was an orphan in Shanghai before the war. Then we ended up held hostage by a cult in India. They drugged him and I had to burn him to save his life so we could get out of there and rescue all the other kids held captive."

Emily stared at Indy. "That scar on your rib cage. The one you never talk about...?"

"Mmmhmm," Indy nodded.

"What happened? How'd you get drugged?"

"I was forced to drink one of the cult's drinks." Indy was evasive. "It put me in a trance. I could see things were happening, but I lost the will to respond. I was in there... but not there. After that I was always careful, especially traveling with you." Indy studied Shorty. "What have you been doing?"

"I fought, got shot down - ended up in Russia. Got out of Russia, just in time to be part of the bombing raids in the Pacific. After that I did some shipping and you know..."

"Smuggling?" Indy asked, grinning.

"Yeah." Shorty watched the road for a moment. "After you brought me to America and we lost touch, I did manage to find my family. They've employed me ever since as a pilot."

"Congrats, Shorty! I'm sorry I couldn't stay around. I wasn't good at that then."

"According Mom you're still not skilled in staying at home," Emily replied.

"I'm working on that," Indy smiled. "Been running around too much and she shouldn't be alone all the time. The reunion has been good and we're trying to solve the things we should have solved a long time ago."

"Reunion?" Shorty asked.

"Mom and Dad separated when she thought I was dead, soon after an Egyptian tomb caved in with me inside," Emily explained. "The injuries were bad. I broke my jaw. They fixed it with iron."

"And that's why the ninja broke his hand!" Shorty realized. "You let him hit you!"

Emily nodded.

He glanced at her. "You're also blind in one eye, right?"

Indy watched Emily bristle at the question.

"I realized it when you had the gun on me," Shorty explained. "I was able to move without you seeing part of it."

"Damn," Emily hissed, looking helplessly toward Indy.

"Its all right, Em - this is Shorty. He's a good kid. Think of him like an older brother." Indy smiled. "He's already taken good care of you."

"You're not allowed to set me up!" Emily growled.

"No. No romance unless you want it." Indy smiled. "Although... never mind... I have grandkids." He looked at Shorty. "What about you?"

"No family like a wife and kids. I did meet someone when I was shot down in Russia, but I haven't been able to get back to her. Cold War, Iron Curtain, all that hostility between governments is awful for romance."

"How long til we get to your Grandmother's restaurant, Shorty?" Emily asked.

"It'll be about two hours."

"In that case," Indy announced, lifting his hat and settled into a comfortable position. "I'm going to get some shut eye. Behave both of you..."

"What does that mean?" They chorused.

Indy grinned under his hat, trying not to let them see it. He held up his hand and ticked off the list on his fingers. "Don't die, don't unleash any ancient evils, try not to make anything explode, and wake me up when we get there."

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