Chapter 34 - Again ❤️

Start from the beginning

"He doesn't want it back. He'll let Wes pay him two hundred for Wes' peace of mind or male pride or something, but he said, and Kat confirmed, that he doesn't want us to pay the rest back."

"Are you sure he means it?" I can hear the relief in her voice. It's the same relief I felt.

"Apparently, Brick is stupidly wealthy." I shrug.

"It was nice of him to lie to Wes, but I'm not sure about keeping up the charade."

"Would Wes insist on paying him back?"

"Of course."

"Can he afford it?"

Lydia shakes her head. "No, he doesn't have that kind of money."

"Then maybe think of it as Brick's gift to Wes that he doesn't want to take any credit for. I don't think this is a lie that hurts anyone."

"I suppose you're right. I'll tell him someday. When Wes is a famous hockey player and two thousand dollars won't keep him from eating for three months."

"Sounds like a plan."

Max stops to do her business and Lydia brings out a bag and waits.

"So, what's going on between you and JD?"

"I don't know what you mean?"

"Don't give me that. Wes heard some suspicious noises last night."

"He told you?"

Lydia shrugs and cleans up after Max. "He knows we're friends." She looks back at me. "You're smiling."

I school my expression. "Am not." The smile returns. "Ok, maybe I am. Do you know much about the women JD has slept with?"

She frowns and ties off the bag as we continue. "Not really. I've seen him take a woman or two upstairs at parties. And one of my friends slept with him once."

"Wait. Two? At once, or do you mean it's happened more than once?"

Lydia's cheeks are red, but I can't tell if it's from the cold or something else.

"Well, both."

"He's had a threesome?"

"I think so. I was at a party once where he left with two puck bunnies."

"Huh?" I'm not sure what to say to that.

"Is that a problem?" Lydia throws the bag into a trashcan as we walk by.

"No. Not really a problem. I'm just trying to figure some things out."

After the walk, we sit and talk and play with Max until the guys return. Brick immediately starts making dinner and when Wes and Lydia take Max out back, I help him prepare the food. He's working quickly to put together a chicken stir fry with rice and a peanut sauce.

He grabs some food for himself and Kat and heads out straight away. It's adorable how eager he is to get back to her.

During dinner, we raise a toast to JD for hopefully passing his test. But I can't bring myself to feel the same happiness as the others. The more I think about it, the angrier I get until JD is eyeing me suspiciously and I keep glaring at him.

"You cooked again," JD says as we're washing up.

"Mhmm," I say. The idea of him having had a threesome is still milling about in my mind.

"It was very good."

"Good. I'm glad you liked it." I put the detergent in the dishwasher and start it. JD looks at me and clears his throat.

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