Pilot (S1 E1)

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Frank's pov

Nobody's saying our neighbourhood's the garden of Eden. Hell some people say God avoids this place altogether. But its been a good home to us, to me and my kids, who I'm proud of because every one of them reminds me a bit of me. Fiona, my rock, huge help, has all the best qualities of her mother except she's not a raging psycho bitch.

Lip, smart as a whip, straight A's and the honor roll. Boy's definitely going somewhere. Next to him is his crazy bitch best friend Y/n. Nobody really knows how her and Lip met but spends so much time together in the house she's like another daughter. Well, let me tell you she's a good looking young woman, I'm surprised Lip hasn't fucked her yet.

Ian, industrious, conscientious, ambitious, incredible work ethic. Don't have a clue where he got that from. Wants to be a paratrooper. Knows how to disembowel an enemy with a roll of dimes and an old gym sock. Carl, Um, I don't really know that much about Carl. Oh, he loves animals.

Always dragging home some poor stray he found, taking them up to his room. Ah, Debbie, sent by God, total angel. Raises money for UNICEF year-round some of which she actually turns in. Liam, gonna be a star. I'm no biologist, but he looks a little bit like my first sponsor. He and the ex were close.

Kev and Veronica, fantastic neighbours. There's nothing they wouldn't do for each other or to each other. I never really realised how little sex I was having till V and Kev moved next door. And me Frank Gallagher, father, teacher and mentor. Captain of out little ship. 

We may not have much, but all of us, to a man knows the most important thing in this life. We know how to fucking party Wa-Ha!

Y/n's pov

I walked into the house and closed the door seeing my dad passed out on the couch and mom holding her head on the counter. I looked at her and said "Do you know where Jules is". Mom looked at me with dark circles under her eyes and said "She slept at her friend's last night". I nodded and said "Alright, you okay".

She looked at me as tears started to drop from her eyes she said "You're dad, he's been texting this woman, Maria". I gave her a confused look and said "Mom he's cheated before, what tells you he isn't doing it again". She looked at me and said "But your father's a good man he's changed".

I scoffed and said "Oh yeah because people can change in two days". She looked at me as her eyes watered and said "Y/n they can". I sighed and said "I cant fucking deal with this today, I'm off to the Gallagher's". I crossed the road and walked into the Gallagher's house. Fiona looked at me and said "Y/n? you're here early, you know wake the boys up, they're being lazy".

I nodded and said "Yeah sure". I walked into the boy's bedroom and said "Oi dickheads, wake up, Fiona asked you all nicely but you wont wake up". Lip looked at me and said "What the hell Y/n we could've been naked". I looked at him and said "Well you don't look naked to me, now chop chop, up".

When I got Ian and Lip up they started arguing about the shower making me say "You two are fucking dicks". I went to grab a drink out of the fridge when I said "Fiona, you may or may not have the electric due". Fiona looked at me and said "Oh shit". I looked at her and said "Since I'm here more than my own house, I'll pay my way, here $10".

She smiled and said "Thanks this helps out". I sat down and said "You lot know your electric bill is due". Lip nodded and said "Yep". I used the cereal box and said "Hey, everyone who pays electric bill, place your owe in here". Fiona looked at Carl and said "No, you got happy meal down that shirt".

Ian looked at Fiona and said "Field trip need dad's signature". Lip looked at him and said "You have a better chance of Y/n mimicking his signature". I nodded and said "Maybe just maybe with how its looking so far". Fiona looked at us and said "Who has the phone". I looked at her and said "I'll give you a hint he's next to me".

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