Chapter forty Seven: Survivor Series

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The rest of the week went by fast, and Monday came around, Dom had to go out with the judgment again since Drew joined them for war games. Of course, Adam came out to stop them before it was too late. None of them touched each other, but Cody and them had to find a fifth member before 9 pm tonight. Sometime later, Hailey headed out to watch the women's tag teams to fight each other and see who would become number one. Ivy Nile and Maxine as one team, the second team being Teagan and Nattie, third team Kayden and Katana. The last team is Candice and Indi. The four teams had a tough battle. Two teams have been eliminated, which only left Maxine and Ivy Nile plus Teagan and Nattie. The match was coming to an end, and it looked like Ivy and Maxine were going to win, but Teagan ended up winning the whole match. This meant that at the survival series, Hailey and Emma would define their titles against Teagan and Nattie.The two tag teams were ready to battle against each other. The night of survivor series came up fast, Hailey got her gear on before getting her makeup done. Her top was all black, and her shorts were a dark blue color while being a pair of black boots that had a hit of purple on them. After she was dressed, she got her makeup before she met up with Emma. When Hailey walked into the area to get her makeup done, she saw Emma getting her makeup finished. Emma's gear was a pale purple and black pair with black boots that looked close to the ones hailey was wearing. The two of them talked while Hailey got her makeup done. Deep down, she wanted to find Dom and talk to him but couldn't due to the state they were in. There is nowhere that they could go to get alone time since Cody, Sami, Jey, Seth, and Becky were around. She was hoping that she wouldn't want to run into any of them. After some time, Hailey and Emma's match was next right before Rhea's match. Dom ended up catching up to them before going out. He gave his girlfriend a good luck kiss before she went out. Hailey and Emma walked out and were ready to defend themselves and their titles. Natalya and Teagan waited for the match to start. Emma and Teagan started the match off. The match started off the right foot before Emma tagged in her partner. Hailey started fighting Teagan before she tagged in Natalya. The two of them had a stare off at each other before one of them made a move. Now the match was starting to pick up, Everyone was down on the mat trying to pull stuff that the other team hadn't seen before. Hailey gave the sign for Emma to do one of the moves. Emma went to the top rope before jumping off after Hailey landed a super kick to teagan the same move her mom used to do. Emma pinned Teagan while Hailey made sure to keep Natalya from breaking the pin. Emma ended up winning the match and regained their tag team belts. The two of them hugged each other before raising their titles in the air. They walked backstage, Hailey thought she would be greeted by Dom, but instead, it was Jey. He had a smile on his face before pulling Hailey away from her friend. She was nervous because she didn't know what he was going to say.
"Well if it isn't the girl who still has her belt and dating Mysterio himself," Jey smiled.
"What do you want," Hailey asked.
"Oh I came to tell you that I'm not going to ease on him tonight,"
"What do you mean,"
"You will see tonight, but right now, I got to go warm up with my team,"
Jey flashed an evil smile at Hailey before leaving to head to be with others. Hailey was trying to find Emma but instead ran into Finn. She didn't know who she ran into before hearing the irish accent.
"Woah easy there," Finn said.
"Sorry Finn, I was trying to find Emma, but I wasn't looking where I was going," Hailey said.
"It's ok, but hey, congrats still having your belt,"
"It's kind of funny how we both have the tag team belts," Finn smiled.
"Well I got this belt before you got yours," Hailey said in a sarcastic tone.
"Yeah yeah but I become a grand slam before you did,"
"I mean, I hope so since you're older and have been here longer than me,"
The two of them kept talking and making each other laugh. Finn told hailey goodbye before heading out to be with the others. Hailey found Emma by the main entrance. The two of them watch the end of Rhea and Zoey's match before the main event.
Dom went out there with The judgment day and Drew. They were the first ones to come out. Dom was getting nervous being locked in the cage with Damian and prayed nothing would happen in that small cage. Cody came out first for his team, Jey was second, next Sami , and lastly, Seth. Finn and Seth started fighting in the ring first. The two of them were getting the upper hand for both their teams. Soon, JD came out next to help Finn with Seth. The two seemed to be gaining the upper hand before Jey came out to help Seth. The four men battle it out in the ring. Back in the cage, Drew wanted to get his hands on Jey after what he had done. The timer hit zero, Drew was about to go out but got stopped by Damien.

"Remember to stick to the plan," Damien said, looking at Drew.

Damien ended up leaving the cage to help out his teammates. Dominik had a worried look on his face, He knew he was going to be last to go out there. Soon enough, Cody and Drew got out of the cage. Now Dom was starting to get worried, He was the last person for his team, and he couldn't mess this up, right? When the timer hit zero, words flashed into his mind that Hailey told him the other day.

"They are going to do something bad to you,"

When he got into the ring, He started doing the three amigos, but before he could finish the last one. He got jumped by Cody, Jey, Sami, and Seth. Everyone backed off, but Jey stayed fighting Dom a little longer. Jey grabbed Dom to make him look at him.

"There's more than this," Jey said.

"I'm going to make sure your girl watches you suffer,"

"What even better, Uce, soon everyone will know about you too,"

Jey pushed him to the mat before punching him hard. The match continued to get heated. When the counted hit zero, Rhea came running out with Damien's Briefcase. Before she could cash it in for him. Randy came out to finish Cody's team. Once he got in the cage, the match started. All of the judgment day was on the ground, JD was the only one up before going to the top of the cage just to be thrown down by Sami and Seth, then into an RKO. Damien got up, but Cody hit him with the crossroads and was pinned. Cody ended up winning for his team, but Jey wasn't done with Dom just yet. He went over to the ring and grabbed him by the hair, and took him to where one of the cameras was. Jey pushed Dom's throat into the middle rope while Jey spoke into the camera.

"Hey, I hope your girl is watching backstage, and you should say hi to her," Jey said, pushing Dom's throat more into the rope.

"Oh, come on, Dom, it isn't nice to ignore your girl like this,"

Dom struggled to breathe and couldn't say anything.

"Don't worry, Uce, I got a little message for your girl anyways,"

"I know you are watching from backstage, but soon enough, your little secret will be out,"

Jey pushed Dom off of the middle rope before going over to his team. Dom was struggling to get his breath back to the point where meds had to take a look at him. Hailey watched backstage with tears streaming down her face. She watched as her boyfriend tried to get air back into him. Soon, that sadness turned into anger, Jey and them were going to pay for what they did to Dom tonight.

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