chapter forty two: everything went wrong

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The next day, Rhea wasn't angry anymore at Dom after everything. Dom now had to win the title back and bring it back home. He had to get on good terms with Rhea. Dom was in the shower when his thoughts about his family had come back. He was confused as to why he was getting those back. It was almost like the kiss broke the brain washing. After the shower, those thoughts went away. He got dressed and headed downstairs. Dom noticed that no one was downstairs. He just assumed that they were still asleep. He started to make breakfast for everyone. Once he was done, he grabbed himself breakfast and waited for everyone to come down. Rhea, Damien, and Finn were in the basement discussing things.
“How could this not work,” Rhea yelled.
“I don’t know, and maybe we will try something different,” Finn suggested.
“This should have worked, and you're literally the king,” Rhea shouted.
“Nah he retired right now. Besides, somehow the brainwashing stop working,” Finn smiled.
“The kiss,” questioned Rhea.
Finn and Damien looked at each other before one of them started to speak.
“What about it,” Damien asked.
“Think about it, Dom wasn’t acting like this until after he kissed hailey. He was completely fine and brainwashed before that,” Rhea noted.
“What are you going to do about that,” Finn asked.
“I don’t know yet,” Rhea said.
“I mean it’s not like you and Dom are dating,” Finn said.
Damien hit Finn on the arm while Rhea shot him a look.
“What and I’m not wrong,” Finn said.
“You know what, Finn, go and sit in the corner,” Rhea yelled.
“No,” Finn shouted.
Rhea gave a look to Damien. He grabbed Finn and placed it in the corner of the room. Finn gave a death glare to Damien. Once Damien walked back to Rhea, Finn tried getting up from his spot.
“Sit back down or else,” Rhea snarled.
“Or else what,” Finn hissed.
“You will get extra time in the corner and be sent to your room,” Rhea glared.
“Fine but you're not my mother,” Finn said.
“Says the one who is pouting about it,” Rhea said.
Finn shaked his head while still being seated on the floor in the corner.
“Now what are we going to do to get Dom's old self back,” Damien asked.
“I got an idea, and you will see tonight,” Rhea smiled.
After that conversation, Rhea and Damien head upstairs. Finn started to get up to join them.
“Sit back down. Your time isn’t up yet,” Rhea said.
Finn slowly got back on the ground and continued to pout. While Rhea and Damien headed back upstairs. Later that night, Dom was going to face Trick Williams. The match was going underway, Dom tried everything in his power to get his belt back, but there was something that the others didn’t know about.
Earlier that night
Dom walked into Shawn Micheals office. He noticed that Shawn and triple h were talking to each other. Dom cleared his throat, and the two of them stopped talking.
“What’s up Dom,” Triple H asked.
“I want to talk to you guys about something,” Dom said, looking down.
“What is it kid,” Shawn questioned.
“I want to leave the judgment day,”
Triple H and Shawn Micheals looked at each other in shock. They never believed that this day would come.
“Why is that,” Triple H meation.
“I want to make my own legacy with the Mysertio name, and I don’t feel the same as I did when I started,” Dominik said.
The three of them discuss it more before coming up with an agreement.
Dom kept fighting Trick while Finn hit him with one of the tag team belts. Dom pinned him and ended up winning the belt. Everyone rushed into the ring to celebrate. Rhea gave Dom a kiss on the cheek. Dom fakes his smile before anyone can see that something is wrong with him. Dom planned on turning on his teammates on friday. During Smackdown, Judgment Day had a meeting with the bloodline. After that, Rhea had a meeting with Paul Heyman about everything. Dom went along with everything. He changed his gear but his old ones. Dom was worried about it. Rhea shook hands with Heyman. They went up to the apron of the ring facing John Cena and La Knight. While Cody and Jey came out. But soon Rey, LWO, and Jane came out. Dom went behind the timekeeping area and grabbed a chair. He took the chair to the back of Damien and Finn. Rhea looked at him in anger before he sat yelling at him.
“What are you doing,” Rhea yelled.
Dom didn’t answer but instead through the chair on top of Damien and Finn before leaving to go backstage. He looked at his dad before leaving for good. Dom packed up all of his stuff before anyone else could stop or talk to him. He just left with all of the stuff and did not know where he could stay for the night. Dom knew he could call one person. He ended up calling that one person since he couldn’t think of anything else to do. The phone rang before someone picked up.
“What’s up Dom,”
“Can I stay with you for sometime,”
“Sure but I’m at my grandparents' house, but I will ask them,”
“Hold on, I will be right back,”
Dom waited for a couple of minutes before getting an answer.
“Yeah and you can stay as long as you can,”
“Thank you so much, and I will see you soon,”
“No problem, and see you when you get here,”
The call ended, but soon enough, he got the address. Dom rushed over there before getting stopped by anyone. He was already going to be dead with all of the judgment day, but he was more than ready to deal with them. Once Dom got the place, he walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. The door opened, and to a woman who didn’t look that old.
“Hello and you must be Dominik,”
“Yes and you,”
“I’m Anna, and nice to meet you,”
“Nice to meet you, you too,”
Anna let Dominik into the house while she called out for someone. Hailey came downstairs and hugged Dominik.
“So this is where you have been for the time being,”
“Yep, at my aunt's house,”
Dom nodded his head before Hailey showed him the way to the guest bedroom upstairs. While they walked up there, Dom noticed the different rooms in the hallway. He kept on walking before they hit the guest room.
“Well here your room and my room are right next door,”
“Wait and can you stay in here for a sec,”
“Sure and what is up,”
“Did you watch smackdown tonight,”
“Kinda but my cousin turned off the tv so they could watch something else,”
“Oh and well, I betrayed the judgment day,”
“You w-what,”
“I betrayed them,”
Hailey stood there before saying another word.
“You know, out of all them, Finn will be the first to find you,”
“What do you mean,”
“He knows you will come to me,”
“How will he know I’m here,”
“Because he a family friend,”
Dom's heart skipped a beat as they heard shouting downstairs. Hailey rushes downstairs with Dominik behind her. Finn sees this and grabs Dom. He pushes him against the wall while yelling.
“What do you think you are doing,” Finn shouted.
Dom stayed quiet.
“We are your real family, not them,”
“You supposed to be with us and no one else,”
“Your lucky the others aren’t here since you would be a goner,”
“Finn that enough,” Hailley yelled.
Finn dropped Dom from the wall. He looked still angry at Dom while Hailey pushed him away. She dragged Finn upstairs to cool him off.
“You need to calm down,”
“Why should I after what he did,”
“I know, but you didn’t get mad when I left,”
“That’s because I had a feeling you would, and we have known each other for some time now,”
“I know, but we need to think about this,”
“What is there to think about,”
“You know what, I will be right back,”
“Don’t you dare think about checking on Dom,”
“I promise I won’t but right now, you need your space because your accent is getting thicker when you are angry,”
Finn looked at her before taking a deep breath. Hailey went downstairs to check on Dom on everything that just happened. Hailey walked towards Dom.
“You ok,”
“Not really after what happened with Finn,”
“I get that, and he is cooling off right now,”
“That’s good, and was it wrong for me to go against them,”
“Not all or whatever your heart wants,”
“So what do I do now,”
“There is something that someone told me,”
“Hold on,”
“let me explain,”
“Ok and Fine,”
“She always told me that once you leave a heel group, that evil will always be with you. No matter what you try, that evil will always follow you,”
Dom had no word. Hailey went to the kitchen to grab something from the kitchen to get for Dom. Anna went into the room Finn was in.
“You know you got learn to control your demon,”
“I know, but what Dom did? He deserved to have my demon to be let out on him,”
“I get that, but don’t we all have our own d to control,”
“How do you know about that,”
“I’m not like my sister. I might not have wrestler, but I have my own demon to deal with,”
“They might even know each other, but for now, you need to keep him in check,”
Finn nodded his head before Anna left the room. He was left with so many questions and what to do next. Finn always thought he knew a lot about this family, but I guess not.

Judgment and DawnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora