chapter forty three: Saved by the bell

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 Hailey walked back to Dom to give his snack to him. Dom took the snack before talking.
"So what is going to happen now,"
"I don't know, but let's hope the others don't know you are here,"
Before they knew it, there was a knock on the door. Hailey opens it to see Rhea and Damien. Rhea pushed her to the ground while grabbing Dominik. Hailey started yelling at them to stop, but no one was listening. She got up and tried to break Rhea's grip off of Dom. Rhea grabbed Hailey.
"He belongs to us,"
"Dom doesn't want to go with you guys,"
Rhea shoved Hailey out the way. Hailey tried grabbing Dom but got stopped by Damien. Rhea dragged him out into the car. Finn came down to see what was happening. He saw Hailey in tears. He went up to her and gave her a hug.
"What happened,"
"They took him,"
"Oh no,"
"They are going to try and brainwash him again,"
Hailey looked worried as Finn grabbed her hand. They drive to the place once they get there. Hailey rushed inside to get to Dom before it was too late. Dom slowly felt his mind escaping from him. Hailey rushed past Damien, but he stopped her right in her tracks. Hailey ended up slapping him before making her way to Dom. Once she got to the door, the door seemed to be locked. She kicked the door open and ran in towards Dom. Hailey went by Dom to try to break out of the spell.
"Come on, Dom,"
"It's me, Hailey,"
"I know you can break out of this,"
"He won't break out of it,"
Hailey stared at Rhea before saying something.
"He might not hear me, but this will work,"
Hailey ended up kissing Dom to try to break the spell. Hailey broke the kiss and stared at Dom. He just looked at her before leaning in for another kiss. Finn watched from a far distance.
"Man those two really need to get together," Finn thought.
"For sure, man. Those two are madly in love with each other,"
"I know, right, and wait a minute,"
"Well that was weird," Finn thought to himself.
Dom hugged Hailey and whispered, "Thank you in her ear." Before they knew it, Anna arrived with her sister Jane and Rey. Anna rushed to her niece's side before Jane and Rey took on Rhea and Damien.
"Are you too ok," Anna asked.
"Yes we are," Hailey smiled.
Jane and Rey fought Damien and Rhea. While Finn sneaked towards Hailey to be by them.
"How are you two doing love birds,"
Dom grew embarrassed while Hailey gave Finn a look. Jane took out Rhea and rushed to her daughter's side. The two of them hugged each other. Jane even hugged Finn and Dom as well. Rey put away Damien and walked over to everyone. He stared down Finn.
"Woah Rey and don't fight Finn," Jane protested.
"Why," Rey asked.
"Because he is a family friend," Jane said.
Rey nodded his head and looked at Dom. Something in Dom wanted to hug his father, but he didn't know how he was going to react towards it. That feeling ended up giving in, Dom hugged his father while tears started streaming down his face. Rey hugged him back while Hailey smiled at them. Finn looked at Anna and smiled. She smiled back while the two of them thought about the old times.
Finn and Anna were around the same age. They started dating when Finn was wrestling in the uk for some time when Anna would come to visit her sister. Anna came to see Jane fight one of the people, and that's when she met him. The two of them fell in love so fast. One minute, they were going on a date, and then the next, he was leaving for Japan. Anna and Finn decided it was best to break up but still be friends. Before that, Anna told Finn about their child. The two of them were happy, but Finn made sure he was in his son's life. I mean, the two of them were made for each other, but every time, they saw each other. The two of them have those memories flow back into their minds. Anna can't help but also smile at her son Sean, who wants to be a wrestler like his father and cousin. They also can't forget when Anna would sometimes drop Hailey off to Finn for training. She was always so happy to see him, even if it's for a short time.
Finn switched his look to Hailey. The two of them smiled and hugged each other. The two of them broke their hug while staring at Dom and Rey. Dom broke the hug while he wiped his tears while Hailey started to rub his back. All of them got up and started to leave the build. Hailey and Dom started to lead the way. Dom slowly took Hailey's hand into his.
"Only our two kids would fall in love with each other," Jane smiled.
"I mean, are we really surprised," Rey said.
"Not really, but I ship it," Finn added.
"Me too," Anna smiled.
All of them went back to Anna's house. Hailey and Dom were making their way upstairs when Sean came rushing out to his everyone.
"Dad," He yelled, attacking Finn with a hug.
Dom and Rey looked at each other with a confused look. Both Jane and Haliey told the two confused mysterio's that they would explain later.

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