chapter twenty three: Join us

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No one Pov
“Dom, whatever it is can wait,” Rey said.
“I’m just here to come and get Hailey so we can leave,” Dom said with no emotion.
Dom stepped and pushed Rey out of the way, which led Jane to yell at him. Which led Dominik to make another smart comment. Jane looked at him before giving him the death glare. Hailey grabbed Dominik, and they went home. The next two weeks, the judgment day and LWO were fighting against each other. Hailey didn’t have many matches until the middle of her match. Some videos started to play while she was fighting. Hailey walked away from the person she was fighting and walked closed up to the ropes. Everyone was confused by the video besides her, Hailey knew what it was about. Rhea was yelling at Hailey to focus and snapped her out of watching the screen. Hailey continued to fight while the video started to continue to play in the background. A loud noise rang throughout the coward. Hailey looked back at the screen to see cryptid writing, which she understood, but no one else did. The writing flashed off the screen, and Hailey won her match. Rhea and Hailey walked out and started to talk about everything that happened out there. Hailey didn’t want to talk about it because she knew that she was going to get yelled out about the video and Hailey that won the match. She walked away from everyone before they could get a word out. Hailey walked off before getting approached by triple H. He wanted to talk with her.
“Did you mind coming with me,” Triple H said.
Hailey shakes her head, and they walk into a room to talk.
“Since the draft is coming up, do you want to stay with Judgment Day or no,”
“I do, and I don’t,”
“Why you do and why you don’t,”
“I do because I like being with them, and I don’t because I want to join another group that gets me,”
“I understand, and we can see what we can do,”
Hailey and Triple H finished talking, and then they were on their way. Hailey met back up with everyone else and left for the night.

Judgment and DawnOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant