Chapter thirty two: Missing her

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Dom Pov

I woke up to the sound of my door opening. I could feel someone over me. I slightly had my eyes closed when I felt someone start to shake me awake. I opened my eyes to see Damien.

"Man, Hailey was right. You are a light sleeper," He laughed.

"Shut up," lightly hitting him.

"When you get up, stay in your pjs," Damien said.

"Why," I asked.

"Just because," Damien smiled.

Damien walked out of my bedroom while closing the door behind him. I slowly got and threw on a tank top and pj pants. I looked at Hailey's stuffed bear and smiled at it.

"Man, I can't wait until she back and healthy again,"

"I do have to figure out who hurt Hailey, tho. It couldn't be us since we were all with each other when it happened. I doubt that it could LWO with her mom. Again, Rey and Jane were talking to HHH.So it couldn't be them. It couldn't be the bloodline since the person didn't look closely like any of them. I mean, her own group wouldn't have attacked her, so who could it be then," I thought to myself.

I opened the door and headed downstairs to see the living room to be set up with a huge pillow fort.

"Look to see who finally awakens," Rhea smiled.

"Yeah, and what's all of this for," I asked.

"Since we do miss Haliey, we all have decided to have a day where we watch Hailey's favorite movies and shows, plus eat her favorite foods," Finn said.

I nodded my head while I got hit with the smell of pancakes.

"Breakfast is ready," Damien yelled.

We all grabbed a plate and headed to the fort.

"The first thing to watch is stranger things," Rhea said.

"Before we start, I have to grab something," I said.

I ran upstairs to grab Hailey's bear. Once I got back down and into the fort, I placed the bear right in front of us. Rhea hit play, and we started watching all four seasons. After some time went by, we finally made it to season 4.

"You know Hailey's favorite character in this season is Eddie," I said.

"Oh really," Rhea gasped.

"Like we didn't know that," Finn rolled his eyes.

"What I'm saying," I laughed.

The others joined in laughing with me. We got to the part where Eddie dies in the season along with Max.

"Now I see why Hailey cried her eyes out," I said with tears in my eyes.

"Dom, are you crying," Finn asked.

"No..I..ok maybe," I shuttered.

"Aw, our little Dom Dom is crying over the death of Hailey's favorite characters," Rhea laughed.

"Shut up," I said.

Everyone laughed and shifted their focus back to the tv. By the time we finished, it was mid afternoon. We all decided to order pizza for dinner. Rhea set up the Tv for the next show that Hailey loves as we waited for the pizza to show up.

"Are you guys up for werewolves or Faires," Rhea asked.

"Werewolves," Damien said.

"Werewolves," Finn agreed with Damien.

"Faires," I added.

"Well, tough luck, Dom, but Werewolves win," Rhea laughed.

I rolled my eyes at her comment. We all got back into the fort and started to watch the show. A few minutes later and the pizza arrived just in time because all of us were hungry. Finn paused the show as Rhea placed the pizza in the fort for all of us. We all dug in and watched as the show got more tense. After watching the shows, I saw everyone had fallen asleep. I went out of the fort to see that it was around one in the morning. I grabbed more blankets and pillows for all of us before I decided to get some sleep. 


This chapter kinda was a fill-in before we got to more the intense parts of the story.  

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