Chapter twelve: Dominik is in trouble

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Dominik POV

It was another night that I was going to be on smackdown, but this I was going to be alone. That I wasn't going to have the others with me.

"Are you sure you don't want anyone to come with you," Rhea asked.

"Yes, I should be fine," I said.

Before leaving, Hailey came running down the stairs and told me that she was coming with me. I told her no and that I would be fine, but she kept pushing harder and telling me she needed to come with but never explained why. I finally gave in, and we left for the weekend. When we got to the arena. I noticed that Hailey was having an uneasy feeling.

"Hey, you ok," I asked.

"Yes and no," Hailey said.

"What do you mean by that," I asked again.

"I just feel like something is going to happen tonight," Hailey said.

I nodded my head and finished getting ready, then headed out halfway through the match. I watched my father lose to the LA Knight. I grabbed the mic and started to talk about my dad.

Hailey POV

I watched backstage on the TV while Dominik started smack talking about Rey. Which led him to go by his mom and sister. Then, he led to Dom telling his mom to go to mom to shut up. I stood there in a what just happened, Out of nowhere, Rey walked up to Dom and hit him. My jew dropped to the ground after seeing that.

"See you at wrestlemania, son," Rey said, throwing the mic down.

Dominik got up with his hand on his head. The camera, I walked/ran out there and went by him. I made eye contact with the Mysterio family and how they were disappointed in me. I walked out with him to the back of the stage. I noticed that Dom was off after everything,

"Hey, it's ok," I said, hugging Dom.

"I know. I never thought he was going to do it. I mean, yes, I said that I wanted to hit me, but I didn't think that it was going to be that harder," Dom said, hugging back.

"I get that," I said.

"I-i just don't know anymore," Dom said, with tears in his eyes.

I gave Dom a hug and tried to help him calm down.

"Look, I'm going to help you like you do with my nightmares," I said.

"Ok," Dom said.

I grabbed our stuff, and we headed to the car. I put our stuff in the back seat of the car as Dominik got into the car. I texted everyone that we were heading home. When we got home, I told Dom that I would meet him in his bedroom. I grabbed some snacks and headed up there. I knocked on the door to see Dominik having tears coming down his face. I closed the door and went over to him, handed him a snack. I gave him a hug, which led Dom to cry harder. I started to rub his back to help him calm down.
“Can I tell you something,” I said.
“Yeah..What is…It,” Dom cried.
“The feeling that I got earlier, I got that same feeling when you walked out there,” I said.
Dominik let go of the hug and stared at me with tears in his eyes. It took a minute before he spoke.
“That’s-That’s a lot to take in,” Dom said.
I smiled before putting on a show to help take Dominik’s mind off everything. I kinda felt bad about everything that happened. I try my best to help him like he does with me. I looked over to see Dom watching the TV very intensely. I shift my focus back to the Tv. After some time now, I noticed Dominik had fallen asleep. I quietly grabbed everything and turned off the tv. Before turning off the light, I grabbed one of my stuffed animals that helped with my nightmares and gave one to Dom for the night. I left the room and went downstairs to talk to the others.
“How is he,” Rhea asked.
“He is better than before, but he is asleep now,” I said.
“That’s good, and thanks for helping him calm down,” Damien said.
“Anytime and it’s my time for me to give back to him,” I said.
“What do you mean,” Finn asked.
“When I ever have nightmares, I go to him to help since you guys are heavy sleepers,” I said.
All of them laughed at the comment I made towards them being heavy sleepers. We all talked more until we went to bed.

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