Chapter thirty: pain & suffering

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No one Pov
Rhea, Finn, Damien, and Dominik walked in for smackdown. Jane and Rey were out there talking about what happened to Hailey. The judgment day and the bloodline got called out. Everyone walked out to the ring and started to argue with each other until the screen flashed the video of Hailey getting attacked.
Hailey was walking back from being outside after getting some fresh air. When she attacked someone in a hooded outfit that no one could tell who it was. The person went to town on attacking her, and all you could hear was her crying for help and telling the person to stop, but they wouldn't listen. The person finally stopped and walked away from her. A few minutes later, another person showed up. Hailey got picked up by this person and started to walk to get help. Soon, Jane, Rey, and Triple h's voice started to come through, and that person carefully put Hailey on the ground. The person whispered in her ear and then pulled back up the bandana.
Everyone looked at each other. Dominik tried to keep a calm face because he didn't want anyone to know that it was him that tried to get help for Hailey.
"Let's get one thing straight. That person that picked up Hailey had a bandana on," Jey said.
"And the judgment day are the other ones with bandanas, and that person was wearing a purple one," Jimmy said.
"Hold up, Uce, do you see what I see," Jey looked towards Dom.
Jey went by Dominik and grabbed the purple bandana from back pocket. Jey held it in his hand before the others could try and take it again.
"Oh look at this. Is that blood on the bandana," Jey showed everyone.
"That's because I cut myself earlier before coming out here," Dominik said.
"Oh sure. Solo, bring the other thing out," Jey smiled.
Solo brought out a stuffed animal that Jane knew that the bear was her daughter's since she named it after her favorite fictional character.
"You have a lot to explain to Dominik," Jane said.
Everyone looked at Dom before he got a lot of questions thrown at him. He was getting overwhelmed by the question and went out of the ring. He couldn't take it any more because he didn't want anyone to think that this tough ex con still cared for Hailey. Dominik had to say something before things got ugly.
"The other reason we have the stuffed animal is because Hailey left it there," Dominik stated.
"Why is it in your bag then," Jane questioned.
"I don't know how or why it is in my bag," Dominik said, starting to get angry.
"Tell us the truth," Jane snapped.
"I am telling the truth," Dominik raised his voice. 
"Sure you are," Jane fumed.
"Dom, come on, tell us the truth," Rey said.
"How many times do I have to tell you, I'm telling you the truth," Dominik yelled.
Rhea, Finn, and Damien got out of the ring to help calm down Dominik. Rhea grabbed his hand, and they walked out. Once they walked backstage, Rhea was still holding Dominik's hand while Damien rubbed his back to calm him down. Finn came back with snacks and something to drink. He handed some to Dominik.
"I got your favorite Dom," Finn smiled.
"Thanks," Dom smiled back.
He took the snack and drank some water.

"Can you be honest with us and we won't be mad at you," Rhea said.

"Yeah and what is up," Dom said.

"Do you still care for Hailey," Rhea asked.

"Yeah and do you guys," Dominik questioned.

"Pretty much and feels like a piece is missing from the group," Damien said.

"It does," Finn chimed in.

"Hailey played a huge part in the group," Rhea said.

"Yep. My deadbeat father told me that we couldn't visit her," Dominik said.

"Fuck that, we should go and visit her right now," Finn said.

"Yeah and what are they going to do to kick us out," Rhea laughed.

"Exactly and let's get going then," Damien said.

The judgment day grabbed their stuff and headed over to the hospital to see Hailey. 

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