Chapter thirty four: Money in the bank

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Once Hailey and Jane arrived at the arena, They headed to the locker rooms. Jane told Hailey to go change and that she would wait outside. Hailey changed into her old uniform that she once wore before coming to wrestle for wwe. She was going back to the old self, her the Hailey rouge people haven't seen in a while. The judgment day was walking down the hall when they noticed Jane waiting outside the locker room. The door opened, and out came Hailey. All four of them looked at each other before looking back at them. Hailey looked at her mother before speaking.
"Why aren't you changed," She asked.
"That's because I have a surprise for you," Jane smiled.
Hailey turned around to see her childhood best friend, Lizzie. Hailey had the biggest smile on her face and hugged her. Hailey and Lizzie broke their hug.
"I see you are in your old gear too," Lizzie smiled.
"Of course, it time to get back into my old self," Hailey said.
They talked for a little longer until they headed to get their makeup done. Once they arrived, the one makeup artist that used to do Hailey and Lizzie's smiled at them. The three of them went into different room since they didn't want anyone to see what they were going to look like. Hailey was up first.
"Do you want to put in your contacts before I start your makeup," Luna asked
"Oh yeah, and we should do that first before I somehow mess the makeup up like that one time," Hailey laughed.
Luna handed Hailey her contacts. She put them in and sat in the chair while getting her makeup done. A couple of minutes later, Lizzie got her makeup done. They made it back before Dom's match. Let's say they were wearing cloaks so that no one would see their makeup yet. Hailey looked at the tv to see Dom and Rhea making their way to the ring.
"Whoever gave Dom those cow print boots needs to be fired," Haliey laughed.
Lizzie laughed, too. They went back to their locker room to grab their stuff and headed back out. It was weirdly quiet, and it seemed like a ghost town. They walked closer to see the other wrestlers lined up and waiting for them. Hailey and Lizzie put on the jackets, and the closer they got, everyone was cheering for them. Everyone was happy to see Hailey was back, but she had the feeling that Judgment Day wasn't going to be there to send her off to her match. Before she knew it, She was greeted by Judgment Day with big smiles. She smiled at them before going through the curtain. Hailey was going out first, then Lizzie. Hailey was nervous, and Lizzie told her it was like old times. Jane's theme hit before switching to Hailey's theme.
"Their Challenger represents the nightmares. From London, United Kingdom. Hailey Rouge,"
Hailey smiled and stepped aside, waiting for lizzie.
Lizzie's dad theme hit, and the coward went even more wild than switching to her theme.
"Her partner also represents The Nightmares. Also from London, United Kingdom. Bellatrix,"
  They walked down the ramp until they got the ring. They did their pose, and the coward went crazy. Hailey started in the ring first with Shayna. The two of them fighted out before tagging in their panthers. The fight was getting heated between the two tag teams. Hailey was in the ring when Ronda started to hit herself. Before she could fight Hailey, Shayna attacked her. Hailey backed into the corner before looking at Lizzie. Once Shayna left the ring, Hailey and Lizzie did their finishers.

"Here are your winners and new tag team champions, Hailey Rouge and Bellatrix,"

The coward yells and cheers for the two of them. Once they get themselves together, They stand up and hold their titles above their heads. Hailey got out of the ring and hugged her family, and it was the same with Lizzie. They made it backstage, and Hailey and Lizzie got greeted by their mom and dad. Hailey hugged her mom while Lizzie hugged her dad. The judgment day was watching from far and smiling big. Everyone walked away from the entrance since the women's money in the bank match was next. Hailey walked over to get water when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Finn, Rhea, Damien, and Dominik. Hailey put her water bottle down before giving them a hug. Even though she wasn't part of the judgment day, they were still her family. Finn and Damien were like an uncle to her. While Rhea was like a cousin. Meanwhile, Dominik was just like one of her older brothers. Instead of having three, she had a fourth one that wasn't blood related to her. They kept hugging each other for a little longer because it felt good to be in each other's arms again. They broke the hug and started to talk to each other.

"How long have you been out of the hospital," Finn asked

"After night of champions," Hailey smiled

"You didn't tell me when I was there with you,"

"Because I didn't know that I was going to get released after you left,"

"Got it, but we glad you are back and healthy again,"

"Yeah, me too, and I'm ready to see what this belt has in store,"

They all smiled at her before looking down at the belt. Finn shortly had left for his match. Everyone told him good luck. The four of them kept talking.

"Hey, congratulations on winning money in the bank,"


"No problem, and people are not happy about it,"

Damien started laughing.

"Well, that's what happened. People doubt the Judgment day,"

"Hey, what about my match,"

"We do you really want to talk about or should I save my comments,"

Before Dom could say anything, Damien went out for Finn's match.

"No, go on, and I would like to hear these comments,"

"Well, first, your cow print boots need to go. The cow is calling back for its hair back,"

"Ok, and they aren't that bad,"

"Oh really, have you looked in the mirror with those things on? They don't even look right or even match. You look like some bad boy trying to be a cowboy but goes horribly wrong,"

"Ouch, but go on,"

"Second, your match was just..There are not even words to describe what all happened. I felt like one of those memes was like me and my problems, but the problems ended up winning,"

Dominik and Rhea were too stunned to speak until they looked at each other and then to the tv. Damien and Finn were fighting. They kept fighting while they got backstage. Dominik and Rhea went by them to calm them down. Was this the start of cracks being in the judgment? Were they going to break up like the Bloodline? So many questions ran through everyone's head, but Hailey couldn't focus on that since she wasn't part of that group anymore.

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