chapter forty: Mami isn't too pleased

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Dominik finally made it back home to grab his car. The police left by the time he got back. He felt a little weight leave his shoulders. Dom got into the car and left, He wanted to get as far away from them as possible. He didn't want to come back. Now he was torn, did he want to make up with his family or stay with the judgment day after what he just read from Finn. Dom had no idea, but he should make him before anyone notices that he isn't there. Dom got home before anyone else did. He went up to his room and changed. He laid down on the bed like he was there all day long. The front door opened, and Rhea ran upstairs towards Dom's room. She knocked on the door before hearing Dom say come in. She opened the door and sat down on the bed next to him. 

"How are you feeling," She asked.

"I'm ok," Dom smiled.

Rhea sighs before saying another word. She didn't know what to say to him. Rhea didn't know how to bring up what happened. 

"You ok,"

"Yeah I'm ok,"

"You sure,' 

"Ok fine. Your theme started to play before our match, then two words flashed on the screen,"

"What were they,"

"Something happened,"

Dom gulped hard after hearing what Rhea just said. He was left speechless and had no idea what to say. Rhea couldn't  help but hug him. They both hug before Finn and Damien come walking in. Rhea broke the hug before getting up. Finn sat down on the bed. Finn hugged Dom and hugged him very tightly. Dom felt that this hug was real, but that was still torn about it because inside, he doesn't know what to do. Finn broke the hug before smiling at him. Damien was the last to give Dom a hug. Finn was holding Rhea as they all tried to process everything. They couldn't wrap their heads around what happened that night. Damien broke the hug but remained sitting on the bed. They all sat in silence before saying a word, 

"What are we going to do," Rhea asked.

"I don't know," Damien said. 

"What if someone is," Rhea was cut off by the doorbell rang. 

Rhea got up and went downstairs. She opened the door to see two police officers. Rhea heart skip a beat. 

"Hello officers," Rhea said.

"Is Dominik Mysterio here," one officer asked. 

"I will be right back," Rhea smiled.

Rhea ran upstairs and into the bedroom. 

"What did you do," Rhea asked. 

"What do you mean," Dom said. 

"The police are here,"

Dom gulped hard. He got up and went downstairs with Rhea. Rhea opened the door even more for Dom to talk to them.

"Yes officers," 

"We just got a couple of questions to ask you really quick,"

Dom nodded his head.

"Where were you tonight,"

"I have been home since I wasn't feeling well, and I couldn't make in for work,"


"Next question, were you ever at your parents' house tonight,"

"I wasn't. I have been home in bed resting,"


"Last question, but have you been at your parents' house at all,"

"I have not, and I have been with at this house unless I have to go to a different state for work,"

"Ok and you two have a good night,"

"You too,"

Dom closes the door with Rhea staring at him. She ends up dragging him upstairs. Once they got in the room, Rhea shut the door and threw Dom on the floor. 

"Were you trying to go back to your old family," Rhea shouted.

"No...No I wasn't," Dom gulped.

Rhea shouted at Dom while he shook in fear. He didn't know what was going on anymore. Rhea wasn't her. It was like someone else was yelling at him.

"You know what, Boys, grab him," Rhea yelled.

Finn and Damien grabbed Dom, They walked him to the basement with Rhea behind them. They threw him down there. Rhea locked the door while Dom sat down on the floor crying. He didn't know what to do. The TV started playing a weird video. Dom started to watch it but couldn't take his eyes off. A few hours later, Rhea came downstairs but couldn't find Dom anywhere. Dom walked out behind her, but he was very different than before. 

"I'm sorry, Mami,"
"It's ok, Dom Dom, but don't ever try this ever again,"
Dom pouted but understood. He never wants to cross Rhea ever again. What was ever playing on the tv changed him. The way he didn't want to regain the trust of his family anymore. He wanted to stay with the judgment day. Whatever Rhea did to him worked. Dom was back to his old self.

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