25장 || The Silence

Start from the beginning

I bristled at her wheedling tone, designed to play on my sympathies. As if she knew the meaning of maternal care.

"The King rightly deemed it best Prince Janghyun reside away from your household for the present time," I bit out. "After bearing witness to your mistreatment of the child."

Lady Jeongsun's eyes flashed with anger, though her smile remained locked in place.

"And I suppose you had no part in such an edict separating a loving mother from her son?" she purred, though her words held a knife's razor's edge. "Perhaps you find my Janghyun's gifts and popularity...threatening." Her smile turned cunning. "Future kings have been overthrown by talented younger brothers before. Or you fear that you'd lose Neeria to Seongyeon so you want things harder on me as well.

My jaw tightened against the urge to retaliate suddenly. I was tired as it was. "I would not see my brother's spirit slowly distorted and starved under your malignant influence. He deserves better than you as a model for development."

Turning before she could utter further poison, I continued on my way. My heart remained disquieted long after leaving Lady Jeongsun behind to nurse her wrath however her insistence continued.

As I resumed my swift departure, Lady Jeongsun's silken skirts whispered behind me as she rushed forward in pursuit.

"Your Highness, I beseech you - do not paint me as a monster from baseless gossip alone, I can help you. I may be your only option to protect what you love." she implored with convincing wounded eyes. As she raised clasped hands, the taut pose of supplication exposed an angry red welt marring one delicate wrist.

I halted, scrutinizing the revealed injury. Lady Jeongsun hastily concealed her hand within billowing silk sleeves. But the furtive movement only deepened my mistrust of her little performance.

"What maternal affection you once fraudulently claimed has faded," I pronounced coldly. "By the King's command, Prince Janghyun shall remain shielded in his current household, well away from your vicious designs. As for Neeria. For your sake and mine, you don't want to see what I'd do if I hear you speak her name again."

I pivoted sideways to avoid presenting my undefended back, offering the most cursory of bows. "Good evening, Lady Jeongsun. We have nothing further to discuss."

I hastened onward before she could unleash the tirade undoubtedly brewing behind her composed painted mask. The sound of my footsteps reverberated down the silent palace corridors as I hurried back to Neeria's chambers. I needed to assure myself that she still clung to life rather than wasting time with Lady Jeongsun.

Rounding the corner, I came upon Lady Jinsun standing guard outside the room, her face drawn with fatigue yet presiding well in her vigil. At my approach, she bowed and stepped aside, allowing me entry.

I paused in the doorway, taking in the sight of Neeria's motionless form. Kneeling beside her, I tenderly clasped her hand in mine. Her skin felt feverish to the touch.

"She still clings to life, but only by the slenderest of threads," came Lady Jinsun's solemn voice behind me. "The physician is at a loss, uncertain if his remedies will take hold."

I nodded grimly, the knot in my stomach tightening. I could not voice the fear that I might lose Neeria as I lost my mother those years ago. That history might repeat itself with me again powerless to alter fate's cruel trajectory.

Gingerly, I stretched out on the floor mattress beside Neeria so I could remain close, heedless of protocol. Lady Jinsun hovered anxiously nearby until I quietly bade her to check on Uhn Yuhn. After bowing in acquiescence, she departed to give us privacy.

Veil of the Dusken Rose - #ambw  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now