Chapter 63

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Acha's POV

The past continues


I nodded. Everything else faded into oblivion as we faced each other not with words but our eyes conveyed the much needed message.

For the first time , I saw fear in her eyes. I would have even missed her next question if I was not looking at her.


"When you were carrying Ram. I heard you and Amma talking....sorry celebrating your victory over the dead ashes of mine and Smriti's relationship....." I told her scornfully

The suppressed pain of past years were now making their presence known.

"Your good girl mask fell that day. But you know what, Veena , hearing you, helped me in completely getting rid of the guilt I felt towards you. I used to think that you became an unwitting pawn in the game my Amma played but the truth was something else were the co-captain in this whole mess ..... Till that day,I never blamed you because the fault was mine. I was the coward but the truth changed everything for me.....You disgusted me"

" If you felt such loathing towards me ,why didn't you leave me and go to your Smriti " Veena asked with fire blazing in her eyes

With a sneer, I answered

"That's where you failed to identity my Smriti....Even if you had shared the news , nothing would have changed between me and Smriti. For her , this relationship ended the day her father died. She loved me, cared for me, respected me but would have never come back to meon the cost of HER self respect. I dont know whether our marriage would have happened or not but one thing was certain I have lost her much before that and the fault lies at my feet only..... Do you know, even at the last moment, I tried to set everything right but I was too late....Smriti had already left the city leaving behind that letter.... Not even once she blamed you knowing that you may not have told me her message instead asked me to move on with you..."

"Move on....When did you move on? There was always three people in this marriage. Yes, you did your duty but you couldn't wait to get away from me. How do you think that made me feel?"

"I am not justifying my actions but try to accept your part in all that went down"

My gaze was stern while she continued shooting me with angry looks until it was broken by Abhi.

"Do you know what happened to her? What about the baby? Where are they now? You said you met them after your marriage?"

I internally smiled at his enthusiasm and turned my glance to my sons who were eagerly waiting for my answer. I once again gulped down my pain for their's.

"Yes, I met them. After that day,I moved heaven and earth in search for them but they have left behind no trace. Years passed when finally God decided to show me mercy....I found lead me to them, Raj...Remember..." I said while giving my elder son a sad smile

He looked at me perplexed for a minute or two , then he widened his eyes as realisation hit him.

"Rami....Abhirami...." he asked shocked

I nodded with tear filled eyes

" daughter....your elder sister. I won't ever forget the day you told me about her. I was feeling low as again my search was futile when you rushed into my room, speaking miles a minute about your new found friend and Riti Aunty. After a few days , I got suspicious. I noticed how Acha always made sure with one excuse or the other to take you and Ram to the park. One day I followed you and got the greatest gift of my life. She had come back for the final rituals of her Amma's funeral. But alas! my happiness was again short lived. Amma came to know about Smriti and my daughter and without a thought blasted at her, labelling her as a home wrecker. Not able to take the taunts and scorn for our innocent daughter, Smriti decided to leave, this time for ever.
All my efforts to convince her to stay perished to dust against her strong stance....."I stopped as the past resurrected with vengeance

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