Chapter 27

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Abhijeet's POV

"What is the matter , Abhi, that you can't talk at home but instead called us to your office?"

Moving away from the window, where I was standing for the past half an hour, I sat in front of Ram Chettan and Raj Chettan

I could see they were on the verge of loosing their  patience especially Ram Chettan but still I was not able to open up

"Mr. Abhijeet, Your wife is fine but...."

" But what, doctor"

"The miscarriage she suffered was complicated so it may be difficult for her to carry a baby in the future"

" You... mean... we... ca..n't...  "   I was hearing the words but not able to comprehend.

It was like someone was squeezing my heart.

" Mr. Abhijeet, it is not like Megha can never conceive but the question is whether she will be able to carry the baby successfully.  Even if she carries the baby to it's full term, there is relatively high risk to Megha's life"

" ABHI..."

" We can never have kids"

I dropped the bomb. There was a stunned silence while Ram Chettan stared at me with disbelief.

" What the hell are you saying? It can't be.... Please Abhi... Tell me you are pranking us"  Ram Chettan pleaded with his eyes

"It is not a prank. I too wish for this to be untrue but we can't run away from reality"

The defeat in my voice got to him . Without a word, he hugged me tightly giving me both courage and comfort.

I told them of the conversation between me and the doctor.

We were sitting there in silence digesting the truth when it was broken by Raj Chettam

" Does Megha know?"

I looked at him and nodded in no.

" But I will tell  her today. After Karthik's birth, everyone  is after us to try again but I can't risk Megha's life. I can live without a child but not without my Jaan. I will be lost without her. "

He pressed my shoulder in empathy and said

" I am right here"

Realization hit me how right words at the right time can bring the greatest of great solace . Those four words from Raj Chettan were able to extinguish the fear that have gripped my heart.

"This will be a great shock to Megha and I need her biggest support, her Meenu Chechi to be beside her. " I told Ram Chettan

He nodded his head in agreement

" I know this is another big blow but I also know that the love between you is capable to overcome this" he tried to console me

I remained silent as another suppressed  fear began to raise it's  head.

" What is it, Abhi? Is there something  else you are worried about?"

I came out of my thoughts as Raj Chettan's voice penetrated my mind

" Appachi...."

Both Raj Chettan and Ram Chettan stiffened understanding  my concern.

" Abhi, if you take my advice. Tell Megha but refrain from telling the family right now. If anybody asks you, tell them you both are taking some time before starting a family. After what happened , I don't think anyone will question you. Once Appachi goes back, we can clear it with Acha and Amma." Raj Chettan advised while Ram Chettan too supported it.

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