You Over Anything 🌹

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I don't think i've ever done this before.

But, genderbend AU.

Ranboo = River
Tommy = Theodosia
Molly = Michael
Tubbo = Taylor

Oh and 100 chapters special :3

Someone knocked on River's door on a sunny afternoon.

"Cmone in!" They chirped out as they finally let down their hair.

The door opened slightly, revealing a maid.

"Oh! Hey, Sam!" River said with a smile, "What do you need?" She asked.

"Your mother needs you, Princess." Sam says as she bowed down.

"Alright! I'll be there in a bit!" River said politely, putting on the crown again as the maid closed her door.

"Ugh. What does this bitch want now..?" River asked herself.

Walking out the door and through the halls, River went down to her mother's throne, where she always sat.

"What do you need, mother?" River questioned, trying to sound nice since her mom had a disease, which probably meant she was gonna be out of god's green earth soon.

Their dad was always out of the picture.

"It's almost my time.. You need to find a prince to rule this kingdom with."

River's heart dropped hearing her mother's words.

"What?! B-but what about Matthew?! Or Charlie?!" River brought up in an instant.

"Ah.. But I chose you. You should be grateful."

"But- I don't even know any princes- I-I-"

"QUIET!" Their mother demanded.

"Yes mother.." They said quietly.

"That's why all the princes from all around the kingdom have come." Their mother stated, "BRING THEM IN!"

The next thing River knows is that the door was opened and a big ass line of princes came rushing in.

"Choose one. And you guys will be married within 5 days."

River couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Go ahead. Sit on my throne. I will be in my room." Their mother soon left, leaving them alone.

"ALRIGHT! LINE UP OVER HERE!" River shouted.

The princes were then lined up in front of her.

"Alright. You." River pointed at the first guy in line.

"State your name and why you wanna marry me."

The guy had some decent looks, brown hair, brown eyes, and a white suit with a black tie.

"My name is Prince Edward-"

"STOP!" River shouted, "Do you go by Eddie?"

"No.. I much prefer to go by Edwar-"


With that, Prince Edward left.

"My name is Prince Henry, and I wanna marry you because I think we could be a good match." Henry looked like Edward a little, but he had blonde hair.

"Yeah.. Why do you think we could be a good match?" River added, now more interested into what this guy is gonna say.

"W-well.. I mean.. We're- Your body is gorgeous- An-"


"You're giving me the ick. NEXT!" River responded.

"Hi, my name is Marcus-"

Tomboo oneshots <33Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon