fusion 🌹

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Im managing to just dig for motivation rn.

Ranboo- sapphire

Tommy- Ruby

Techno- Lapis Lazuli

Wilbur- Amethyst

Phil- Pearl

No explaining. Steven universe AU, their a fusion.

3rd person POV
"Ranboo." Blue diamond basically demanded for the other's presence. "My diamond." A boy with dirty blonde hair with blue highlights, bangs covering their eyes and their hair a bit past their chin, a dark blue dress with lace sleeves, and white gloves entered the palinquin "Tell me your vision." Blue diamond told the other. "I forsee 4 crystals. A Lapis, an Amethyst, a Ruby, and a Pearl attacking the cloud arena." Ranboo paused.

"Before they are shattered, they will destroy 18 physical forms. Including me and my 4 ruby gaurds. Immediately after my form is destroyed, they will soon be shattered." Ranboo finished. "Thank you, Ranboo." Blue diamond said in a relieved tone. "I look forward to serving you again once I reform back on homeworld." Ranboo took a bow before leaving. It didn't bother Ranboo much that he was gonna die. Who cared? It didn't really matter unless the diamonds were ok. Ranboo stood next to their 4 Ruby soliders. "BLUE DIAMOND!" A sudden voice shouted. "LEAVE THIS PLANET!"

"THIS COLONY MAY NOT BE COMPLETED!" Coming down from above was the 4 crystals Ranboo had described. A Pearl, a Ruby, a Lapis, and an Amethyst. All of them had a sword and a shield. And the attack was right on schedule. Ranboo saw as Blue diamond's palinquin left and as their 4 Ruby soliders fused. Ranboo stood there as he saw all what was laid out before their eyes before, becoming a reality. The fusion was soon destroyed as the Lapis held down the fusion with water, and the Amethyst used their sword. As Pearl and Amethyst were destroying buildings, Ranboo stood as a collapsing building came crumbling down.

Ranboo accepted it. He did a while ago. But, the new Ruby did not. The Ruby pushed them out the way. and suddenly.. "Hm..?" A fusion. A fusion of a Ruby and a sapphire. Nobody has ever seen this before. They all looked in disgust as the new gem sat up with amusement. The gem that had the same hairstyle as sapphire but it was blonde with purple highlights, it was no longer a dress. It was more like.. A combat putfit..? And.. The gems were no longer on their wrist.. It was now on their hand.. "What.. WOAH! WHAT IS-" The 2 unused. Everyone stared.

"RANBOO!" Ranboo gasped as he saw an angry diamond standing before them. "You did not explain to me this scenario." Ranboo's eyes widened. "I- I didn't see this! This wasn't supposed to happen! I swear! I didn't mean to do any of this! Please! I didn't!" Ranboo begged as the gems around them. "I do not care. Shatter them. Both of them." Ranboo didn't see this either. Ranboo dropped to their knees before feeling their wrist get gripped. "TECHNO!" Suddenly, something swept down and grabbed the 2 in a water bubble.

"Hm?! Mphhhhh?!!!" Ranboo screams were muffled as they finally reached somewhere else. The 2, now 5, was dropped onto the sand. "What.." Ranboo's voice trailed off as he saw 4 people surround them. Fear was the only thing that radiated through Ranboo's body. "I'm sorry! Please- please don't shatter me!" They yelled out in a panic. "Shatter you?" An amethyst with brown hair and a purple highlight in their hair walked closer to them. "Wait.. you guys.. You're the rebellion!" The Pearl cheered silently. "Yeah. So.. You can't really go back there.. Because.. You know.." What seemed like a Lapis said.

"Hey! I'm Tommy!" The person that Ranboo fused with helped them up.


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