Cuddles on a bad day 🌹

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Orgins SMP AU! I don't really know much about OSMP though.


3rd person POV
Ranboo wasn't exactly having the best day ever.

Alright. Nevermind. Their day was shit.

Oh.. Where do I even start..?

First, he tripped on a rock, falling face first.

Thank God that their trans because that would've hurt their tits a lot.


second, someone stepped on their flowers.

Sure, it might've been the ones they least cared about.

But that's LOW.

Third, Tubbo accidently splashed water on them.


Knowing that they're an enderman, it was pretty bad.

Now, there's a bunch of burn marks on their arms.

Finally, the last one.

Sneeg stole 2 diamonds from them.

Even though he does it quite frequently, it still annoyed Ranboo.

And when Ranboo opened the door to Tommy's house.

Right after she changed into pajamas instead of a dress, she went into her and Tommy's shared bedroom.

"Hey! What's wrong? You seem upset." Tommy asked, knowing there was something wrong with his partner.

Ranboo sighed.


Tommy raised a brow.

"Yeah. No. You're saying it in the tone when you're really annoyed. C'mere, love." Tommy spreaded his arms out for a hug, which Ranboo graciously accepted.

"What happened..?" Tommy asked, leading Ranboo to the bed where he tucked himself and Ranboo in.

"Had a bad day.." Ranboo said, lifting up her sleeves to show the burn marks.

"Awh.. Love.." Tommy grabbed the bandages on the bedside table, carefully wrapping Ranboo's arms with them.

Tommy hugged Ranboo tight, soon letting his wings just wrap around her.

Ranboo snuggled closer, Tommy's wings felt soft, comforting even.

Tommy started stroking Ranboo's long, wavy hair.

Ranboo leaned into Tommy's touch.

Tommy wrapped his arms around Ranboo's head.

"Take off your binder, dumbass. It's not safe." Ranboo grumbled tiredly.

Tommy chuckled.

He took off his binder and proceeded to cuddle with Ranboo.

That's really all he wanted to do.

Ranboo wasn't really that type of person to ask for cuddles.

But Tommy knows when and when exactly to give her some.

And oh my God,

Does Ranboo love it since they don't even have to ask.

Soon enough, the soft snores coming from Ranboo filled the room.

Tommy didn't wanna let go of Ranboo.

Not yet.

The girl looked so peaceful.

Tommy loved that.

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