I love you.. 🥀🌹

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Tommy POV
Everyone around me was dying, in other words, war. My armor almost broken, my arm had small cuts in it, scratch that, all parts of my body had cuts on them, and my shield was gonna break any second now. I turn around to see something I may never forget..

"Either he dies or you die, Tommy." Dream said, holding his axe in front of Ranboos neck. "Wait!" I dropped all my weapons.

"Don't kill him. Please.." I begged. I can't lose my lover.. not yet.. "Stop! Don't do it! Please!" Ranboo screamed only for the axe to get closer to their neck.

"You can kill me. Don't kill them." I walked torwards Dream. He threw Ranboo on the ground and held his axe up to me.

"You would give up your life.. for them..?" I nodded my head as I saw tears fall down Ranboos face. "No! Tommy, don't do it!" Ranboo yelled only for Dream to take out a sword and held it to his neck.

"Quiet." Demanded Dream keeping the brunette quiet. "Come here." I did as I was told, and Dream held the sword at me. "Your life," He said before grabbing Ranboo by the collar and putting them in front of me.

"For this.. thing." I nodded again. I couldn't let Ranboo die, not after all we've been through..

Suddenly, a peircing blade went through my stomach, and hearing both ear peircing screams and wicked laughter was the only thing I heard.

"Tommy! Stay with me! Please!" A blur of Ranboo then came over me. "SOMEONE HELP!" Ranboos voice screamed. "Ranboo.. it's no use.. nobody will hear you.." I smiled weakly, trying not to pay attention to the blood spilling out of my stomach.

"No! Please! Hang on!" I then felt myself get picked up and wind blowing in my face. "Ranboo.. I'm gonna die, accept it.." I chuckled, feeling tears prick out my eyes.

"Tubbo! Help him! Please!" I then felt a soft surface under me. Was this.. the bunker..? "What happened?!" I heard another voice a scream. "He- he was stabbed! Please! Help him! I'm begging you!" The voice was getting faint, and my ears were ringing..

I still heard the screams of people above us. Suddenly, cold air hit me right in the chest. And pressure was hit against my stomach. "Ranboo..?" I mumbled, then the brunette I love came above me.

"Yes..? What do you need..?" Their voice sounded like it was breaking up, but I didn't mention it. "Whats.. happening..?" I asked, feeling my eyes get heavy. "Nothing, Tommy.." I heard sniffles from them, and they continued.

"Get some rest." I put my hand on their cheek and said, "I love you so much." I then heard what I think was crying and soft laughter coming from me.

"I love you too.." I then felt my eyes get heavy, and I soon drifted off into sleep.

4 hours later..

I opened my eyes, and light flooded everything. I squinted my eyes in response and sat up. "Tommy..?" A voice I can recognize anywhere said.

"Ranboo!" I screamed out of joy running to them. He immediately hugs me and puts their head in my chest.

"You're alive..!" They said, relieved, I swear. I felt a tear on my sweater. It may be stained with blood, but it didn't matter. As long as I was with him, nothing mattered but them.

"Why wouldn't I be..?" I chuckled softly, moving my hand up to their hair. "You were dying! That's why!" He laughed, wiping their tears away. "I love you," I said, looking down into their eyes.

"I love you too"

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