cigarattes. 🥀

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Inspired story I found on ao3 :)

3rd person POV
"Tommy.. You said you'd quit.." Ranboo said as Tommy opened a new pack of cigarettes. Tommy groaned in annoyance, "Shut the fuck up." Ranboo heard Tommy. Loud and clear. "You promised me 2 days ago you quit. Don't try to act like you don't remember." They were indoors. Yet Tommy didn't even bother to open the window. "So? I was drunk when I said that. Get over it." Tommy snapped back. "So what? You're always drunk nowadays.." Ranboo mumbled the last part. "I don't understand why you even care. It's just a cigarette." Saying that, he lit 2 and put one in his mouth, forcefully putting one in Ranboo's.

Ranboo coughed out the smoke as Tommy sat there, completely unfazed. "If you don't like it, why are you still even here?" Tommy asked the other who was on the ground. "Because I care about you, goddammit!" Ranboo cried out. "Just shut up and go to our room." Ranboo sighed. And did what he was told.


Ranboo sat in the corner of the living room. People were drinking. People were making out in plain sight. Blaring lights, blasting songs. The only person who didn't wanna come to this party came anyway. It's not like they had a choice anyway. Tommy just opened the door, told them to stop crying, and get ready. Ranboo stared at their cup. 'Drink to forget..' They repeated in their head. They hated the taste. And soon, they just gave up and hoped Tommy would magically just show up after not seeing him for about 3 hours now.

The reason why Tommy has been gone for about 3 hours now is because the moment him and Ranboo stepped into the house. Tommy was immediately lured off with one of his closest friends named Emma, Em for short, and her friend group. That contained 2 other people. Noah and her best friend Vannessa. Only a while ago, he spotted Tommy. Kissing some other girl. Nobody really acknowledged Ranboo's existence. That's until two of their friends who he was forced to ghost because of Tommy being jealous, noticed them.

The 2 waved. Ranboo didn't really do nothing but nod due to the lack of being an extrovert. And of course. The 2 were roommates. Their names are Bill and Aimsey. Ranboo soon got up, just wanting some food that didn't contain any alcohol. But of course, there was nothing but a cheese pizza and a 2 liter coke. Then the next thing he sees is Tommy. Of course, with 2 other girls.

Probably flirting, probably talking about having sex with them. 1 or the other, it's never both. Ranboo bit their tongue so they could keep themself from screaming and crying their guts out. Soon enough, the 2 girls go away. And Tommy is by himself. Ramboo immediately walks over to him, only to see one of the girls KISS HIM, THEN WALK AWAY WHILE GIGGLING. "Oh.. Ran." Ranboo rolls their eyes and walks away, soon being followed by Tommy.

Ranboo walks up to the door. It didn't really matter if Tommy drove them here. They could just take a quick walk around the neighborhood where the smell of alcohol wasn't intoxicating the air. As soon as their hand touches the doorknob, their wrist was pulled back. "Where you goin' love?" Tommy asked. "Home. I don't wanna be here anymore." Ranboo spoke truthfully.

"Cmon.. Just another hour." Seriously? Another hour? Ranboo has been waiting for the last 2 fucking years for Tommy to change. Instead. He got worse. "No. Let go of me." Ranboo snapped. "Stop acting like a fucking brat." Tommy said, pulling Ranboo back. "No! Let go and stop being such a bitch!" Ranboo's eyes widened. Holy hell. It's been so long since he called someone a bitch.

"I said stop acting like this! You know I'm sorry for fuck's sake!" Tommy yelled, but you couldn't tell he was yelling over the loud music. "Sto-" Before Ranboo could even finish, he was cut off by a kiss, then being dragged to the bathroom. "Get the hell off me!" Ranboo managed to push Tommy off, but only for a second, then got pushed against the floor. "Stop!" Ranboo yelled. Soon enough. Clothes were taken off. Moans escaped. All without consent. But only word that was found in Ranboo's mind. Was the word. Blackmail.


Ranboo sat up, no clothes on. Only the ones on the floor. He put them on. And soon, they figured the party was over, and he was the only one who was left. Not even Tommy was there. He got up and looked in the mirror. They couldn't help but laugh to themself. "Damn.. Look where all the years went.. All on a toxic relationship." Ranboo finally realised. All the blackmail. All the gaslighting. He was in an unhealthy relationship. Thankfully, their phone was still in their pocket. 'We're breaking up. Pack your bags. I don't wanna see your fucking face when I come back.' Was all that he texted their now ex lover.

Ranboo opened the door, damn. Even the house was now clean. He wet to the balcony. It was around 40 degrees outside, and he was only wearing a t-shirt and some random pants he found in their closet. The cold somewhat stung. The only thing that was out there was the cold weather, the sad excuse of a balcony that was just a platform of concrete with a fence, and themself. "Damn.. Rock bottom.. Never thought I'd be there.." Ranboo laughed to themself.

"What are you doing here?"

hat was a familiar voice. Ranboo turned their head to see Bill and Aimsey. Bill with a cigarette in his hand, Aimsey with a cup of coffee on hers. "Hey.." Ranboo mumbled, looking down at the ground, knowing that the 2 probably hate them. "The party ended hours ago.. It's 10:00 AM right now.. Are you ok?" Aimsey asked. "Yeah.. Just have a headache.." Ranboo responded quietly. Bill frowned. "Here. I'll get you some painkillers." Bill then proceeds to put the cigarette in Ranboo's hand, making the smoke and warmth go to their face.

It warmth was actually quite comforting. Although even though Bill forgot to put it out, Ranboo was still grateful it wasn't shoved in their mouth. Bill then came back out with a cup of water and some pills. "Oh- sorry.." Bill said after he realised he had forgotten to put out the cigarette. "Dumbass." Aimsey chuckled quietly. Bill handed Ranboo the items before taking the cigarette back, then stomped on it. Ranboo then downed the pills and water immediately. "Did Tommy not take you with him? He left only a couple of hours ago.." Aimsey asked as she and Bill sat down next to Ranboo, making them in the middle.

"No.." Ranboo mumbled quietly. "Oh.. You poor thing.." Aimsey finished her coffee and set it down. Ranboo then just laid in Bill's lap and started to tear up. Bill gave Aimsey the 'what the hell do I do?!' Eyes. Aimsey shrugged in response. Bill panicked, then just started stroking Ramboo's hair. "I'm sorry that happened to you.." Bill said, barely in a whisper. "Can I stay here for a bit..? I dont think I can go back home anytime soon.." Ranboo asked. Bill glanced at Aimsey.


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