Liar. 🌹

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(I found this story on AO3, and I thought it would be fun if I did a remake because it was beeduo and it was smut. If you wanna check it out, it's called 'How many times' by TopEnergy.)

3rd person POV

Ranboo sat in front of their computer. The clock read 3 AM, and there was a bunch of monster cans scattered all over their desk.

"Jesus christ.." They mumbled

Ranboo was editing. Of course, they were trying to get Ranboo bakes a cake 2 out. And, even with the help of the energy drinks, they were still tired.

Tommy woke up about 5 minutes ago. And with the change of sharing a bed, it made it obvious that his boyfriend was gone. Tommy glanced at his alarm clock, 3:15 AM.

Tommy connected the pieces and realised Ranboo was probably editing something that he told Tommy he'd finish later.

What. A. Fucking. Liar.

Annoyed, he sighs as he drops from his bed, feet noiselessly carrying him to across their bedroom towards the corridor.

How man times he had warned them.

How many chances he gave them.

All of them tooken, but always broken.

He opens the door to see the light of the computer lighting up the desk.

Tommy walks over without making a sound, making himself not noticeable to the other blonde.

"Liar." He whispered.

The other blonde jumped due to suprise.

"Icanexplainipromise-" They claim.

"No you can't, love."

The only thing that filled the room was Tommy's anger and Ranboo's eembarrassment.

"Everyone told you barely a week ago what would happen if any of us caught you doing this again."

"But- This- I need to get this out!"

"I'm saying this once, and I won't say it again." Tommy paused.

"We. Do. Not. Care."

"Now. Repeat what I just said." Tommy basically demanded.

"You guys.. Do not.." Ranboo gulped, "Care.." They finally finished.

"Good. Now, cmon." Tommy's expression softened ever so slightly once the dirty blonde held his hand.

'God. This boy is gonna be the fucking death of me..' Tommy could only think.

Tommy led them back to their room. "We're gonna have a meeting today, 5:00." Tommy said while setting them down onto the bed.

"I want you to explain why you did what you did." Tommy added while also getting in bed with them.

"Sounds good?"

"Yes.." Ranboo muttered as he felt hands go around their waist. Ranboo loved that feeling he got once their boyfriend did that. He actually kinda missed it, knowing that he hasn't been sleeping right without him. "Night, love.." Tommy said as he drifted off to sleep.


Tommy and Ranboo soon arrived in the room with a whiteboard that read,


TOMMY- 8 (fuckin demon -Wilbur)




RANBOO- 0 (what a sweetheart :D -Wilbur)

Ranboo and Tommy soon sat down at the.. Rectangle table..? Containing 6 seats, Tommy was the one who called the meeting, meaning he sat down at one of the ends. Ranboo was the cause of the meeting, so he sat down at the other end. Looking at Tommy. Dead in the eyes.

"Hey!! We're here!" Of course, it was a sorry meeting.

"I canceled my date with Quackity for this. This better be fucking good." Wilbur said angrily while taking a seat that had his name in a plastic stand up.

"Calm down, Wil. You rescheduled your date for tomorrow anyway." Phil claimed as he took a seat next to Charlie. The extra seat was always if there was a plus one. Phil usually brought Mumza, but she said she wasn't feeling good today.

"So.. Ranboo, whyd you call this meeting?" Charlie asked.

"He didn't." Tommy said sternly, making everyone gasp.

"Holy shit! What did you do?! Meetings are never called for YOU!" Wilbur yelled out. "Ranboo, love, explain to them what happened." Tommy added

"I- Uhm.. I.. I was up at 3 AM, working on editing 'Ranboo bakes a cake 2' for about 5 hours.." Ranboo responded nervously as he felt the disappointment fill the room.

"Ranboo.." Charlie spoke.

"Mate. You gotta stop overworking yourself." Phil spoke softly.

"You're gonna feel very burnt out." Wilbur also added.

"Didn't you also say you've been working on that all week? You have to know where the line is drawn for working hard." Charlie said with a sorry face. (Hah! Get it?? Because- because their in sorry..? No? Not funny?)

"I know.. But-" Ranboo was interrupted.


"Will do." Tommy replied calmly while Ranboo looked down in shame.

"Now. The drill." Wilbur added.

The drill was always the person who caused the meeting to say 'sorry', and the others, if they accepted the apology, would say, 'Accepted'. If it was a mix, they would do majority vote. If the apology wasn't accepted, the people who didn't accept the apology would say 'apology not accepted', then the person who caused the meeting had to do a whole ass reflection paper that they give you in elementary school.

"Sorry.." Ranboo muttered.

"Accepted." Everyone responded in sync.

Then, if everyone said accepted, the person who called the meeting would say..

"Meeting, over."

Yup. They got a whole ass drill.

Everyone fled out the room, Ranboo going in the front seat, Tommy going in the driver's seat as they left the building.

"Promise you won't overwork yourself again?" Tommy asked the other.


Tommy smiled softly.

"Thanks, love.."

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