Restaurant (Transboo!) 🌹

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Ranboos POV
So.. me, Tubbo, and my boyfriend, Tommy, went to a restaurant! Nothing out of the ordinary, just deciding what food we want. Arguing which order is better. And fighting over if we should buy some wine.

Well, the last part isn't so ordinary.. and finnally, our orders were getting taken. The waiter looked oddly familiar, but I didn't think anything of it.

Tommy wanted the fish and chips, Tubbo wanted Kraft Mac n cheese that was on the kids' menu.. And finally, it was my turn.

"Oh my God! Reyna! Is that you?!" The waiter asked. Ohhhhh, she was my friend in middle school.

But did it really matter? Because I'm now 21.. "It's Ranboo," I corrected her, expecting her to get it right since it's been a while.

"Very funny, Reyna! Did you ever get a boyfriend? If you did, where is he? Oh, wait! You don't pull!" She acted like it was funny.. how was that funny..?

"Still Ranboo.." I said awkwardly, trying to avoid the name 'Reyna'. Hearing that name made me think of that one time - Oh god..

"Don't be silly! I know it's Reyna!" Is she seriously saying what my name should be? "It's Ranboo. Stop saying Reyna, " Tubbo defended. "Who are you? Her boyfriend?" She laughed, then Tommy said something.

"I'm his boyfriend, and he's a boy." Tommy sounded like he was about to beat the SHIT out of her. "I'm sorry, I bet you only knew her for about a day. I knew her for a whole year." She responded, acting as if she was smarter.

"Yeah, but.. that was 10 years ago.." I said, trying to make it make sense. "Reyna.. you're supposed to be on my side. " Those words made me so confused.

"Ok, so first, he's been my boyfriend for 3 years." Tommy paused, then Tubbo finished it."Second of all, you're calling him something that he's not comfortable with." And I really thought they were done. Tubbo then continues the reasons "THIRD, you were in middle school." Then Tommy finishes off the list. "It's been 10 years, sweetie. Take our orders and leave." He then holds my hand under the table while Tubbo just gives a death stare at her.

"So.. what can I get for you today..?" She asked, taking out her notepad. "A new waiter." Tubbo replied, and then we got a new waiter!

"Hello, my name is Devon! what can I get for you today?" He had brown eyes, fluffy ass hair kinda like Tubbos but longer, and the uniform.

"I'll have the fish and chips," Tommy responded, not letting go of my hand. "I'll take the burger!" I said, handing the waiter my menu. "What about for the pretty boy?"

Oh god. Is this guy a creep?! Oh god, please don't tell me he's a creep! Well, he does look like our age, though..

"Can I have the fries?" So Tubbo changed his order.. interesting.. also, he did look pretty red.. he then walks away, and Tubbo is all smiles.

"Alright, you like our waiter, don't you?" I asked Tubbo as I drank some water. "He's kinda hot.." Tubbo replied, trying not to sound weird. "Not as hot as Ranboo," Tommy said while Tubbo flipped him off.

After a few minutes of telling jokes, our food arrived! "Thank you!" Tubbo said, taking his plate. Wait.. was that a note next to his fries???

Before I could tell him, Tommy told him. "Dude, there's a piece of paper next to your plate." Tubbo then grabs it and goes red again. "It's his number!!!" He whispered, screaming to us joyfully.

"HOLY SHIT! IS IT ACTUALLY?" Tommy grabs it, and it actually is his number.

20 minutes later...

We left the restaurant with a 30 dollar tip, and goddamn Tubbo was happy.

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