AU's and the Originals ❓️

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Ok so

Play boy and pretty boy AU mfs is gonna be referred to as Tom and Ran.

Coffee Confessions AU is gonna be referred to as Mars and Toms.

And 'My feelings for you are a mystery' AU is gonna be referred to as Daniel. (Since Ranboo is.. You know.. 💀)

And the originals (like the ones in this book) are just gonna be referred to as Tommy and Ranboo.

The 2 originals spawn in some random room.

White walls, white floor, white roof, no windows, two speakers, and the source of light is the ceiling lights found in your local classroom.

"What the.." Ranboo says under their breath, putting their glass of water down on the floor.

"Uhm.. Love, do you know where we are?" Tommy asks, turning to his partner.

"Pfft- nope." Ranboo laughs it off.

All of a sudden, basically a duplicate of the original Tommy and Ranboo pops up.

Besides Ranboo looks more slutty and Tommy looks more like a jock in some random kid's movie.

You know, varsity jacket and some random pair of jeans?

"Who the fuck are you?!" The other Ranboo yelled instantly.

"Why the hell do you look like that?" Ranboo asked.

As I mentioned, the other Ranboo looked more slutty.

Kinda like R800 Ranboo, but not.

Like fishnets, jean shorts, some random black crop top, and some random black choker.

"Why do I look like what?!" The other Ranboo shouted.

"Sweetie, calm down, they aren't worth it." The other Tommy says as he holds back the other Ranboo.

The original Ranboo and Tommy wince in disgust looking at the two.

All of a sudden, another pair of Tommy and Ranboo appear out of nowhere.

This time, they looked great!

A slightly oversized brown sweater, flared light blue jeans, black headphones, and black converse for the other Ranboo.

A random sweater underneath an apron that read, 'COFFEE CONFESSIONS' Under a small black coffee cup as the design, a random bi pin, and some light blue jeans.

"Uhm.. Who are you guys?" Ranboo gestures to the 2 other pairs.

"Oh! Tommy?" Ranboo recalled, turning to their Tommy.

A light blush spreads across Tommy's face, "H-Hey!"

"Ok, what the hell is going o-" The original Ranboo cuts themself off when they see a single Tommy appear out of nowhere.

This guy looked different from the others.

He looked untidy, probably hung over, basing off of his messy ass hair, the white hoodie that had random water stains that were probably tears, and some sweatpants.

"U-uhm.." The Tommy that showed up choked up, clearing his throat, "Who are you guys?"

"WE SHOULD BE THE ONES ASKING YOU THAT!" The Ranboo with headphones shouted.


The 3 pairs ended up fighting, the messed up Tommy saying nothing.

All of a sudden, a voice came from the speakers.

"HELLO- TESTING! 1 2 3, TESTING!" The voice shouted into the microphone, making everyone wince.

"Oh- sorry, my bad." The voice laughs.

"Anyway. Enough with the fighting. I've been watching you guys." The voice continues.

"Watching us? What a creep." The 'slut' version of Ranboo scoffs.

"You know what? I don't like that." The voice says, only for a random mannequin to come out of nowhere and flick the slut version of Ranboo's forehead.


"Anyway. As I was saying. Meet the AU's." The voice said.

"Wait, so if we're all just.." The barista put up his hands and made air quotes, "Alternative universes.."

The barista continued, "Who's the original?"

"Ah! I was about to say who's who." The voice stops, "mk- so-" The voice sounds like it's chewing, "The 2 in the pajamas are the originals, and you have to refer to them as Ranboo and Tommy."

The original duo laughs in victory.

"That highschool version- You know, the jock and the dude in the fishnets- are from a story I called 'Play boy and pretty boy'. You guys will refer to those guys as Ran and Tom."

"The guy in the brown sweater and the guy in the uniform are from a story I called 'Coffee Confessions'. Refer to those guys as Mars and Toms."

The Coffee Confessions duo do nothing but nod.

"And the last guy.. The uhm.. The lonely guy. Just refer to him as Daniel since that was his fake name."

"I want my Ranboo back." He says, almost on the verge of tears.

"Sorry man, my bad." You could practically hear the voice shrug.

All of a sudden, another Ranboo shows up, although their eyes are white and they have small white wings.

And their in the clothes Ranboo died in.

"RANBOO!" Daniel says, jumping onto them immideatly.

"T-Tommy?" Ranboo says with disbelief.

"Refer to his Ranboo as Mark. And uh.. Yeah. Just talk."

"And what if we dont?" Tom barks back instantly.

"Then I'll erase your story- I mean world off of the wattpadverse (universe)."

The originals immideatly go over to the detectives, wanting to know what the hell is going on.

"Can we just get a quick explanation of what the hell is going on with your two's 'world'?" Tommy put air quotes around the word 'World'.

"Shit- sorry- yeah.. Uhm.." Daniel chokes before wiping away his tears and continuing, "So, this is my Ranboo."

"Oh! What happened in your guys' world?" Ranboo asked with curiosity.

"So- were detectives.. Uhm.. I dont know if you have a friend under the name 'Aimsey' too." Mark mentions.

Ranboo and Tommy's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Yeah! We know them!" Tommy returned.

"So., They went missing."

Tommy's and Ranboo's smile went down so quickly.

"But uh.. We found them again! But uh.. My Ranboo dies since he kinda got shot protecting me."



"So.. Uhm.." Mars started, "You.. You're in high school.. He's a jock. And uh.. You basically have a Y/N moment.. You guys cuddle together in the first day of meeting each other.. Damn, you guys are weird."

"Hey!" Ran shouts.

"Honey, it's fine." Tom replies.

"See? Weirdos." Toms laughs with Mars.

"Wait.. Are you guys like.. Dating?" It's clear Ran has a piece of gum he's smacking on.

"No?" Mars laughs with a slight bit of blush dusting on their face.

"Mhm.." Tom says suspiciously, "Illness?"

"Well- I have amnesia-"

"Knew it." Tom says instantly.

"Ok. I don't like looking at a specific duo." The voice says instantly, "Bye."

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