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Three years later.

Mia sat in front of Kirill on their private jet as they crossed the Atlantic. They were on their way to New York, for the wedding of Danila and Viv.

Mia still couldn't believe that they were a couple. It had been two years since they were inseparable and she couldn't reconcile it all in her head. Her best friend, marrying Danila. What an incredible twist of fate.

At the same time, she cursed herself for not seeing it sooner. They were perfect for each other. Viv was a brat, strong willed, opinionated and spoke her mind ruthlessly. Danila loved just that. If Mia had introduced them sooner, none of the insanity between them all three would have happened.

And Viv too! Danila was her complete opposite, a few years younger, mysterious, dangerous and rich, and she almost drooled when she first saw him.

Kirill and Mia had discussed and laughed about it all, both of them blaming each other for not setting them two up sooner.

Kirill and Mia now lived in London, and beside them on the plane, were two sleeping two year old toddlers, their twin sons, sharing the same birthday month as their mom.

Both looked identical and looked like a carbon copy of Mia. Although, it was already obvious they would have Kirill's height and possibly personality, seeing as they loved to destroy the house and conspired with each other to keep their parents' hands full.

Mia looked from a sleeping Kirill to her two sons and smiled as she gently rubbed her belly. She was six months pregnant with their third child and right before they left London, she accidentally found out if it's a boy or a girl, even though both her and Kirill wanted to wait.

She was fulfilled. The last three years had truly been bliss. After Kirill came back into her life, they both didn't leave each other at all. Their previous separation was too much, too painful, they needed to heal from it.

Mia got pregnant within weeks and absolutely overjoyed, she loved feeling all her pregnancy symptoms. Her nausea felt like a blessing. Her lack of energy and ridiculous cravings made for joyous conversations between them.

Kirill supported Mia through every single step of her pregnancy, cried non stop for two days after the birth of his two sons and participated in all the haze of the newborn stage eagerly. He woke up at night, he changed diapers, he cooked meals, he fed and played with his sons, he cleaned the house.

Kirill and Mia's bond only grew stronger. Although both exhausted from the novelty of having a newborn, let alone two all at once, they did everything together.

Kirill didn't want to miss anything and watching his kids grow, he couldn't imagine that there could be anything more exciting or pleasurable than having a family. He loved spending time all together.

As Kirill stirred, Mia gently came up to him and slowly sat down on his lap, watching him smile though his sleepy eyes.

"I have a secret." She whispered, gently kissing his cheek.

"Are we having twins again?" He joked with his eyes closed. He wasn't opposed to two more kids, but he was definitely missing how a full night's sleep felt. Mia giggled but shook her head, feeling his large arm wrap around her.

"Um...I accidentally found out..." She bit her bottom lip and watched his eyes shoot open.

"What?" He questioned with a serious face but a small smile was visible.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Mia gently cupped his cheek and kissed his lips.

"A girl?" His whisper sounded hopeful and a bit desperate. He so badly wanted a daughter too.

Mia couldn't contain her smile as she slightly nodded. "It's a girl." She watched him break out into a huge smile, his arms hugging her tighter and pulling her into him.

"Fuck, Mia. You make me so happy. I love you so much." He was only able to tell her while tears pooled in his eyes. A girl...a daughter...a treasure. His life was full.

"You know what they say about daughters, they look exactly like their dad." Mia was ecstatic that they were having another child. Yes, finally. After all the pain and heartbreak, it was happening.

Kirill only smiled at her words. He didn't know what to say except how did he get so lucky.

"But also, I have a name proposition." Mia quietly said and saw him look down at her on his chest.

"You've already thought of a name? How long have you kept this secret?" He questioned her in humour.

"Not long, I just found out yesterday at the doctor's. I saw what it said on the file. But the name, I've had in my head for a while. Do you want to share your thoughts first?" She asked him innocently.

Kirill thought for a minute but was still working on processing the news that they would have a daughter. "You go first." He spoke gently.

"I know that in Russian culture, you're not supposed to name your child after a relative who had an unfortunate fate." Mia spoke but didn't look at his eyes. She played with the buttons of his shirt and continued nervously. "But maybe an alternative? Not exactly the same name, but a similar one?" She looked at him innocently again.

Kirill didn't clue in on what name she was referring to and gently encouraged her, "Which is?"

"Iris. Like Irina...but not exactly." Mia spoke seriously and quietly. Kirill was stunned. He sat motionless and gazed into her eyes, tears falling from his eyes involuntarily. Mia was an angel sent to him from above.

He remembered the dream again, where his mom told him that if he didn't look up, he would miss the sunshine. She was referring to Mia, Mia was that sunshine.

He only managed to kiss her forehead as he hugged her tighter, willing himself not to break down into sobs as he thought about both women.

Kirill's mother was an angel, a light in the darkness, and his wife too.

Iris Kirillovna Alekseeva was born three months later, weighing almost ten pounds and measuring way longer than average. She had piercing green eyes, loved mom's milk, but would only sleep on dad's tattooed chest. Immediately, she had Kirill wrapped around her little finger. Her first smile was for her brothers and after four months, she started sleeping through the night in stark contrast to her siblings.

Kirill was infatuated with Mia. He wondered if it was possible for him to love her more. Lately, her hair was a bit disheveled and she had bags under her eyes. Three kids under three was clearly having an effect on her but her smile never radiated as much joy as now. Sure, she was tired, and her breasts were sore and she really wanted to spend some time in total and complete silence. But she was never as happy as now.

Kirill and Mia, two souls from different worlds, brought together by fate, bound forever by love.

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