13 - Uninvited Guest

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On the way back to Vladislav's, Mia thought about Kirill's words and what to do with Anatoliy. She didn't want to endanger him and his family but Kirill was right, she had to do what was best for her. She decided to alter the truth a little to protect Anatoliy but still get to her goal.

She was silent at dinner while Vladislav tried to make small talk.

"I went to see Kirill." She suddenly said and watched Vladislav's face drop.

"You went to see him?!" He questioned right away.

"Yes. A long time ago. He looked rough." She tried to fake sadness. "I didn't recognize him...that's not the man I married. I married a boss, a strong and ruthless killer but now..." She looked up at Vladislav, "...he's weak. And destroyed. And you will never let me see him again, will you?" She questioned Vladislav who listened to her carefully.

"No." Vladislav said right away. "How did you get in to see him?" He was angry.

"Why? Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you to destroy everything I have? I wanted to make it work between us but...I don't know how that will ever be possible."

Vladislav stayed quiet and looked down onto his plate. What a sweet soul, he thought. She still lived in the illusion that she would somehow be reunited with Kirill but Vladislav was happy to hear she was finally turning a corner.

"You have a role to fulfill, Mia. It is your destiny. I am being very accommodating and keeping Kirill alive. He spared my life one time, and now, I am sparing his unless...you disobey. His life depends on you. You do what I tell you, he gets to live and rot away in prison and live in his memories. You disobey and try to alter the plan? He will die."

Mia listened and began to silently cry but Vladislav showed no emotion.

"Who took you to see him?" He added loudly.

"Don't worry." She croaked through tears. "He's already dead."

"And where did you go today?" Vladislav questioned suspiciously. Mia took a second to finish crying.

"To the monastery. And I stayed the service. And prayed after, for your death!" She shouted at him and threw a fork at a window.

Vladislav smiled widely and then broke into a laughter. He laughed loudly and menacingly as Mia watched him in horror.

"Good!" He slammed his fists on the table. "Very good! Go to sleep, it's an important day tomorrow!" He continued speaking loud and laughing maniacally.

The next day, as promised, at around 5pm, men began to arrive at the house. Mia stood at her window and watched the first cars pull up one by one and men she had never seen before exit. Both young and old, small and big, Vladislav didn't discriminate and invited around ten men he thought would fit her best.

After everyone arrived, there was one man who showed up without an invite and although surprised, Vladislav was happy to see him and invited him in.

At 5:45pm there was a loud knock on Mia's door as she sat at her vanity table and stared at herself in the mirror. She let her hair down but instead of wearing a short dress as requested by Vladislav, she wore all black, as if in mourning. Black long pants and a black button down blouse, sky high heels, Mia's makeup was the same as at Kirill's funeral.

"I will be down in five minutes." She responded to the knock and put on a diamond bracelet that sparkled in contrast to her all black look.

Slowly, as if to her own beheading, she walked with heavy footsteps, shuddering at the thought of the evening.

Vladislav met her at the bottom of the stairs with a disapproving look on his face. "I told you what to wear and even provided you with an outfit." He spoke as if chastising a child.

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