45 - Start From The Very Beginning

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Neither Kirill nor Danila were planning to leave Mia alone. They were going to get her back, no matter what it took. Instead of leaving, they followed her upstairs to her bedroom.

"Hey! Get out!" She shouted as she was about to take her sweatshirt off but saw them both walk in. So strong, so dominant, she immediately was flooded with memories of spending time with both of them. They walked right past her and sat down on her bed.

"Which side does Baxter sleep on? I assume he does a lot of sleeping and not a lot of anything else." Kirill joked and Danila smiled looking at Mia.

"You guys are so hilarious. Please get out." Mia stood in front of them with her arms crossed.

"But seriously. Is he good in bed?" Danila asked. She couldn't believe they were talking to her about this. She realized how absurd it sounded out loud; that she slept with anyone else but them.

"Please. Leave." She closed her eyes hoping they would do that but they both remained sitting on the bed. They weren't going anywhere, she understood that. "Let me get dressed. And I'll see you downstairs and no! You can't stay here and watch me change." She stood at the door and waited for them both to leave.

Reluctantly, they did and waited for her in her living room. Mia came down dressed in light blue jeans and a white t-shirt and right away, Kirill recognized that young girl he saw in the club, almost fifteen years ago. Did she do this on purpose? He thought as he looked her over.

She sat down on an armchair and faced them.

"Okay. What do you want me to say, so you can leave me alone?" She asked with humour as she held her line of argument. Kirill began,

"Mia, look. No matter what you do, or either one of us does, no one will ever be happy if we are not together. We realize that whatever happened last year was very overwhelming-"

"Overwhelming?! No. It wasn't overwhelming. It was heart breaking, Kirill. I can't believe you both have the balls to sit in front of me right now and try to convince me to 'come back'!" Mia used air quotes. "There is nothing to come back to. Don't you both understand that? There is nothing left from what we had." She looked at Kirill with meaning and his heart broke at her words.

"You never answered my question upstairs." Danila interjected furrowing his eyebrows. "But be honest, okay? Is Bill good in bed?" Neither Danila nor Kirill took it as a joke this time and waited for her answer.

"I'm sure he's great. For someone. Not for me, but for some other girl, sure." Mia responded while she looked down.

"Do you like living in London?" Danila continued with his questions.

"Yes. I like living here. More than New York and definitely more than gloomy Russia." Mia responded honestly.

"Do you like your job?" Danila asked again.

"Yes. It's fine." Mia answered his questions, not sure why he was asking all that.

"Are you happy?" Danila continued. Mia felt tears sting her eyes but continued looking down, hoping neither one of them would notice but they did. She didn't want to answer.

"I don't have to respond to any of your questions." Mia finally retorted.

"Just tell me, Mia. I'm not going to hold it against you." Danila asked gently.

"No. I'm not happy. I feel sad a lot and to be honest, I think I'm depressed." She looked up at them and willed her tears away.

"What would make you happy?" Kirill asked quietly. Mia sighed loudly and put her face in her hands.

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