8 - Asserting Authority

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A loud buzzing noise sounded and Kirill was let in through the steel door into the visitor room.

He wasn't sure who was behind that door but was overwhelmed with anticipation to see his sunshine since he had an inkling it was her.

There he saw her, his angel, as pure as ever, looking at him with her beautiful hazel eyes, filled with both love and agony.

It had been just over two months since they last saw each other but it felt like a decade. It felt like he had been in there for so long already and he was exhausted.

Mia saw his bruised face and clasped her hands to her mouth as she gasped. She noticed he had a slight limp and his knuckles had caked on blood. She immediately broke down in tears as bitterness overtook her throat and mouth.

"Don't worry baby! I'm okay." He spoke in a raspy voice, slowly approaching her while she quickly walked to him but right before she could touch him, she heard a loud voice stopping her in her tracks,


They weren't allowed to touch each other.

She stood five centimetres away from him taking in all his injuries. A cut lip, a bruise that went from his eye and cheek to his ear and down his neck and a gash on his other cheek. Not to mention, a big scab on the top of his recently shaved head.

He wore a grey uniform, one that was tattered at the neck and looked like it was worn hundreds of times, stains of his blood, adding the only colour. But it was how he looked at her that really broke her; he looked tired and in pain. At the same time, she could see fury and fire inside his green eyes.

"What did they do to you?" She whispered as her voice shook. He gently smiled and watched her cry silent tears in front of him.

"To me? Nothing. But there are a few more graves for them to dig."

She gulped at his words while she was trying to come to terms with how mangled he looked. She had never seen him like this and she couldn't calm herself down.

"I love you so much, Mia. I miss you terribly." He spoke warmly and smiled. She let out a small laugh through her tears and closed her eyes and wiped her nose.

"I love you, too. I miss you so much. I never ever want to be without you." Mia looked at him and tried to fight her grief.

"Sit with me." He motioned to the table with his handcuffed hands and they slowly approached it. They sat down in front of each other and Mia watched him wince in pain.

"How did you get in here?" He was very curious to know how she pulled that off. She forced herself to pull it together and said,

"I told them he authorized it and if they didn't believe it, they better call him and deal with the consequences. They took the bluff. But the guy who drove me here will probably rat me out. Or demand something in return." She spoke bitterly as she shrugged her shoulders.

He watched her quietly explain to him how she manipulated and cheated her way in here and he was so proud. For him, she risked it for him.

"You have a weapon?" He asked her seriously and she nodded slightly.

"Just a steak knife for now. I haven't been able to get anything else yet." She responded and looked down at the table.

"Can you remember my number?" He asked quietly but she looked confused.

"What number?"

"My cell phone number. Remember the digits." He spoke urgently.

She was shocked to hear he had a cell phone. How was he so beaten up and yet had access to a cell phone? He slowly said the digits and she did her best to remember it and then repeated it back to him. They did it a few more times while she created a riddle for herself in her head.

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