11 - Prison Tryst 🌶️

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As Vladislav and Mia drove back to the house in separate cars, Mia thought about everyone she met that night. She wanted to change the company into her name and get rid of Vladislav and today she came one step closer. Then she could free Kirill, and they could move on with their lives.

But she was absolutely not expecting to see Danila there.

She couldn't deny that there was a part of her that enjoyed seeing him but the mood between them could not be more different than last time they saw each other. She felt attraction to him, just like in the past, but now this felt different.

He felt dominating and violent, rough and rude and she hated that she liked that about him now. He was no longer a cute young boy who tried to win her over. No. Now he was a brute man whose arms she had been in before and he clearly showed his desire to repeat that again.

She closed her eyes when she remembered his arm around her waist. His cheek on her cheek. Him biting his lip while looking at her. The dangerous sparkle in his icy blue eyes...

"Mia? A word. In here." Vladislav commanded as she was about to head up the staircase. Apprehensive, she watched Vladislav walk into his office and hesitantly followed him.

"Mia. I've grown to really respect you. You seem to be taking on your role so well and-" Vladislav paused thinking he should rewind it a bit. "Well, why don't you tell me what you thought of the event first?" He decided to start with a question instead.

"I thought it was mostly boring. But I understand why these have to be attended. Also, I'm not sure we can trust all the people you work with. Didn't you see how the owner of Almaz Brilliant was chatting with our direct competitor? You should reconsider working with them."

Mia tried her best to provide relevant information when in reality she couldn't care less. Vladislav smiled at her words. That's exactly the information he was hoping she would provide him.

"Great observation." He remarked. "There is another brand that just purchased them and I think now, we may have to work closer with them. Did you get a chance to chat with any good men today?"

He asked but was immediately uncertain of phrasing it that way. Mia stayed silent, not sure what he wanted to hear from her.

"Good men? I'm sure you know all the men there were anything but good." She spoke coldly as she looked beyond Vladislav. He clasped his hands together and walked over to sit in front of her.

"Mia. It's time for you to move on and pick a partner. A life partner. A husband. Someone you can grow with and who can help you grow. Someone you could take this whole company to the next level with. This dinner was supposed to be an introduction to a few men who could become potential candidates. Was there anyone there who caught your eye?"

He spoke candidly searching her eyes but she looked at him with a glazed over expression and a half smile.

Mia was floored. She did not expect him to say this and felt incredible anger and frustration. She wanted to stab him in the throat and watch his blood gush out after hearing those words. A husband?! There was only one man on the entire planet who would ever hold the title of her husband.

"I have a husband." She responded in a daze trying to remove herself from this dialogue. She wanted to just shut this all down.

She belonged to only one man. And she would kill for him.

Vladislav slowly nodded and looked at her with slight disappointment. He stood up and added,

"Mia...dear...please don't be so delusional...your ex-husband is behind bars for life. I'm only keeping him alive because I don't want to hurt you. He is in the past, you will never see him again, you need to let him go. As I said, this was just supposed to be an introduction. I've invited a few eligible options over for dinner on Sunday, in two days. You will have a chance to speak with them all in private."

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