6 - Reinitiation

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"По нежнее!" (Be more gentle!). Kirill pronounced loudly as he was being roughly pushed into a cargo airplane. After he was arrested, Kirill was refused his one phone call and holding himself back from knocking the cop out with his head, he quietly sat down on the bench.

At first Kirill was furiously trying to figure out why on earth the Montreal police would want to arrest him. Never having broken any law in the city or country, he wasn't given any answers by anyone.

As day two of his captivity continued on, he caught on to snippets of the cops' conversation and struggled to understand their Quebecois French. But he did make out a few words: Russia, airplane, permission.

He was hit with the knowledge that Vladislav had somehow used his influence. No, it couldn't be influence, not here. Vladislav had used his money to engage the local police force to arrest Kirill and with this, send him back to Russia.

Disappointed at how it happened, he wondered where Mia was and if she was safe. He knew that absolutely no one would give him any answers and realized that she would probably be next to travel to Russia. He sat alone and prayed no one would touch her.

Him and Mia briefly discussed this scenario. He explained it to her as a hypothetical, just throwing it out there, never believing that it could actually happen. But here he was, living out this reality.

"Дай сигаретку. Слышь?" (Give me a cigarette. Can you hear?) Kirill addressed the two men that were sitting in front of him, both wearing balaclavas.

"You still smoke, Kirill?" One of them responded with humour and Kirill recognized his voice. He was deeply surprised that someone he knew was sitting across from him. He stared at the man's eyes and with his handcuffed hands, motioned for him to take his mask off but the man chuckled and shook his head.

"Can't. They're watching us."

Kirill listened to the voice again and tried his best to place it but was coming up short. He stared at the man who seemed like he was smiling.

"Vanya?" He threw out a guess. The man chuckled again and looked down.

"Yes, Vanya. You don't forget your own, do you?" He spoke in a friendly voice and Kirill smiled.

"Never, brother. But I see you're working for the enemy now, huh?" Kirill said with a half smile.

The man shrugged and was quiet for a bit as the second man lightly tapped him and then shook his head.

"This idiot doesn't understand anything, don't worry." Vanya motioned to his companion. "I thought you were dead." Vanya's tone was playful.

Kirill sat there silently for a minute. "I wish I was, Ivan. I wish I was." Kirill spoke slowly. Ivan looked him up and down and continued.

"How'd you end up here?"

Kirill looked up at Ivan's eyes and said seriously,

"It's a long story. Surprisingly, I'm not at fault for this one. Do you know where they are taking me?" He asked hopeful that Vanya would give him some information.

He was lucky. What a chance encounter! Ivan used to be one of his trusted security guys until Kirill suddenly died and everyone was left with a compensation package but no job.

"Where, where? All roads lead to the same place. Vladimirka."

At this Kirill shook his head as the information overtook him. Fuck. Maximum security prison, high prisoner population, built for long term sentences. Bad management which meant getting out of there would be a huge challenge. 

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