44 - September

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September, six months later.

Mia slowly walked down the wet street as sunshine peeked through falling leaves. Her tan suede boots walked over small puddles and her trench coat swayed in the light wind.

She walked slowly and was deep in thought as she crossed the street and entered a small coffee shop where she bought a coffee and sat at a small table. Facing the window, she pointlessly stared outside and then at her phone.

Mia now lived in London and worked in an art gallery selling art pieces to high end clients. She had a close circle of friends and had a boyfriend who she just started dating recently.

She did her best to move on and forget about Russia and everything that happened there. She left it all behind. After she spent a few weeks in New York, she retrieved all her things from her and Kirill's apartment and packed her bags and left.

She spent the month of June travelling Europe with Viv and put in genuine effort into finding a zest for life again. After what had happened between her, Kirill, and Danila, she was incredibly depressed. She never wanted to see either of them again but at the same time she continuously lied to herself.

She couldn't reconcile how they could have manipulated and played with her with how much they loved her and she loved them. It made no sense to her, love was not supposed to hurt.

Scrolling mindlessly through her work texts, she felt two big bodies come up on either side of her and as one person sat down to the left and in front of her, the other pulled up a chair and sat down to the right in front of her.

She didn't lift her head up but her entire body ignited. She knew exactly who it was without having to lift her eyes up.

They sat silently, waiting for her to acknowledge them.

Slowly, Mia lifted up her eyes and looked at Kirill. Almost bursting into tears, she was immediately transported back to all the good and the bad that happened. He looked so familiar, so...hers. She looked over at Danila and then closed her eyes from the shock of seeing them both in front of her again. She shook her head and eyes still closed asked coldly,

"Why are you both here? I told you I never want to see either of you again."

"Hi, Mia." Kirill said quietly and with meaning. As if pronouncing her name was like saying a prayer. "You knew we would come back for you."

That's true, she did know that but she also had a true smidgeon of hope that it wouldn't happen. Maybe she would be able to move on and find happiness again.

"No. I didn't. I've moved on, guys. I don't know you anymore and I have nothing to do with either of you." She spoke coldly, looking from one to the other.

They both looked different and also exactly the same. They both looked sad and angry but their happiness at seeing her was undeniably shining through.

"That's not true, Mia." Danila spoke gently like he always did.

"I'm surprised that you two haven't killed each other. Did you go to couple's therapy and work through your problems?" Mia spoke sarcastically and they both smiled at her words.

"Yeah, we worked it out. But now it's time to get you back." Kirill responded.

Mia laughed bitterly at his words, looking straight ahead and out the window. "I love how you both live in delusion. I have a boyfriend now. I'm going to be thirty four next year, I honestly don't have the time or emotional range for your bullshit anymore."

"A boyfriend?!" Danila asked in fake disbelief. "Well, I guess we need to step aside then, right Kirill?" He said with a smile plastered all over his face and looked right at her.

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