30 - Knife Through The Heart

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Kirill thought long and hard about Danila's words. It wasn't much of a choice even if Danila was delusional enough to think that. Kirill knew he had to do it to stay alive so he could come back for her.

While no one would touch him inside the prison, he was still at a disadvantage since he knew Danila would kill him himself. Kirill was well aware that Danila continuously kept his skills sharp and trained to be ready for combat.

Danila was dedicated to his country the way Kirill was not. Coming from a family deeply involved with Russia's security forces, although Danila was a criminal, he put his country's honour above his criminal career. He regularly participated in army training and continued training as a sniper. He was disciplined. Kirill knew Danila could easily take him out next time the cold air hit his skin.

If not death then he had to break it off with Mia. But how could he cause her such pain? She would never forgive him. Maybe there was a way to tell her it wasn't real?

Danila was a monster, thought Kirill.

But was he?

Kirill thought it over in his head as he laid on his firm bed and stared at the barren ceiling. Danila was desperately and hopelessly in love. Kirill thought of himself ten years ago. Kirill had changed his entire personality and lifestyle for Mia. Danila was just fighting for what he wanted, just like Kirill had done at his age.

Danila was weaving an intricate web and was patient, meticulous, and smart. Kirill could only respect that. But he could also hate him for it. Kirill felt disappointed that this is where him and Danila ended up. There is no such thing as true friendship, he thought. Dmitry betrayed him and so did Danila. When you're powerful, you have no friends, slowly everyone turns into an enemy.

There was only one person who would never let him down. Mia.

Fuck, I'm almost forty, Kirill thought as he realized his birthday was coming up and he wasn't sure if he would be able to live it as a free man. But he knew he was so close. He now had a comfortable life in prison, shared a cell with only one man who he respected and management had changed and was much more forthcoming.

Buying them off was the only way to get out of there and Kirill had more than enough resources to do that. He just had to earn their trust and wait for the right time. Spring and summer was a busy time for prisoner transfers and he could set it up to get out then, as long as he could settle on a price for the overlords.

It was just a waiting game. It had to be discreet, and there was still work that had to be done. Him and the new prison director had to pick a prisoner that Kirill could brutally kill so he could be positioned as a violent and aggressive inmate and sent to a far off solitary confinement prison. Before they could do that, Kirill had to earn their trust and they, his.

New Year's rolled around and Kirill and his cellmate chatted about their lives.

While Kirill slept on a harsh bed with a thin blanket, Mia shared a bed with Danila in luxury, where all her wishes were granted. But she didn't have many wishes at the moment. It was January first and tomorrow, she would go see Kirill. That was her only wish.

Danila was adamant about recovering from his injury and spent the last week and a half working diligently with a physiotherapist to overcome pain and lack of mobility. He was making great progress but was visibly tired as it was taking a lot out of him.

His arm was now only in a sling and he was impatiently waiting for it to get better. Only a few more days and he would join Mia at her visit to Kirill's, without her knowing. New year, new and better Danila, Mia by his side, it would all be how he wanted.

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