9 - No One Will F- With Me

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As Mia pulled up to Vladislav's house, she loudly honked for the armed guards to open the gates. They didn't react but one approached her door and she rolled the window down.

She looked furious and blood stained both her hands and her shirt,

"You better fucking open that gate or so help you God." She was rude and loud and she felt amazing speaking like that. No one will fuck with me anymore, she thought.

Storming into the house, she rushed through the hallway and pushed Vladislav's office door wide open and startled him.

Eyes wide, he saw her blood stained appearance and complete and utter fearlessness overtake her gaze. Speechless and stunned, he watched her quickly approach him, taking large confident strides.

"I thought you were my grandfather...and you wanted to make this work between us!" She accused him right away. "You kidnap me! You force me to live here! You separate me from my husband and won't tell me where he is! And! You place fucking rapists in the same car as me?!" She was acting wild but felt in complete control of the situation.

Vladislav felt confused and ashamed as he carefully looked at the blood on her hands.

"Vnuchenka, please, tell me what happened." He spoke gently and reassuringly.

"I had to fucking get down on my knees and fight for my life, dedushka!" She continued yelling at him angrily. "I want a fucking gun. And it better be a fucking good one because I'm not going to take this shit from your men again. If you want to know what happened, maybe he's still alive, on the side of the road, with his pants down!"

Vladislav opened his mouth and his eyes went wide in shock but Mia didn't let him speak and turned on her heels as she stormed out of his office and slammed the door.

The next day, three guns of various sizes were delivered to her bedroom while she was taking her morning shower. Draped in her towel, she walked out and saw three large boxes as if placed on display for her with a handwritten note on top of the middle one,

Dear vnuchenka,

I'm so terribly sorry for the danger you found yourself in. All these are for your protection. Just tell me when you want lessons and never fear for your life again while you're with me.

I'm proud of you.

Vladislav Orlov

Mia smiled widely at how well she managed to pull all this off. Her little yelling fit produced great results and now she was in possession of three weapons.

She checked her phone for the hundredth time but Kirill had not responded since yesterday. She went over the number again in her head and worried that she may have mixed up a digit. But with no other choice, she could only wait.

The next few days were quiet but Mia had changed around Vladislav. She now demanded to be a part of what he did and wanted to attend meetings and see his financial books. She asked him about all his contacts and he was overwhelmed with her interest in his affairs.

Yes, he wanted her to take over, but not while he was still alive. At the same time he was happy and proud of her.

As Mia got ready for her first shooting lesson four days after seeing Kirill, she heard the ding of a message and ripped her phone off her bed. There it was, Kirill finally responded.

My love. Tell me you are safe. K.

Mia stared at the message, her heart thumping in her chest. She was ecstatic to know she finally had a way to connect with him.

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