Chapter 13 - Telling Kat

Start from the beginning

We head over to the Den and join the crowd of people that arrive as early as we do.

"Oh, there's Lydia," Kat says as we get to our seats. She waves and I look at the slightly uncomfortable looking woman. "You've met her, right? She's Wes' girlfriend."

We sit down next to her.

"Lydia, do you know Morgan?"

"I think we've met," Lydia says. She's wearing Wes' jersey and I feel even more ridiculous. Kat sparks up a conversation with Lydia about how they keep running into each other at the hockey house while I try to figure things out.

The game starts and I do my best to follow along and cheer at the appropriate times, but not telling Kat is killing me. I hate keeping secrets from my friend.

We join the rest of the UNI students in a chant about how crappy the other teams' goalie is, and I realize I have to tell her. JD is her brother. And it's not fair to keep it from her.

I don't understand their relationship, but she seems to have some weird sibling loyalty for him, even after how he treated her.

Besides, what if he says something? She'd be hurt hearing it from someone else.

JD breaks away from the other players and the crowd starts cheering. He shoots and scores and the crowd gets loud around me. Kat is on her feet and I stand as she excitedly jumps up and down.

On the ice, JD takes his victory lap and raises a hand as he scans the audience. For half a heartbeat, our eyes meet and I hold my breath.

What if Kat isn't mad at all? What if she gets her hopes up?

Intermission comes around and I turn to her. She's still chatting with Lydia.


"Yeah?" She turns to me and leans back so as not to exclude Lydia.

"There's something I have to tell you."

"Sounds serious."

"You know the guy I was talking to on the app?"

Kat turns to Lydia. "Morgan's friend's sister made a dating app and is trying it out on UNI students."

Lydia nods. "I've heard about it. Did you meet someone?"

"Well," I hesitate. "In a way. I was chatting with this guy, and we set up a date. It turns out I already knew him."

"Who was it?" Kat asks. "Do I know him?"

"It was JD." I wait for the words to sink in.

"Wait. JD was on a dating app?" She furrows her brow. "Why?"

"I guess someone asked the hockey team to join. That's not the point."

Kat blinks at me. "So last night, was it JD you met up with?"

"Yes. And we went to the bar after, to listen to the band."

"Really?" Kat looks about as shocked as I feel. "And you didn't punch him or anything?"

I shake my head.

"Why didn't you just leave?" Lydia asks. "Everyone knows you two don't get along."

"Trust me, I'm asking myself the very same question. But I was so disappointed to see him there and I really wanted to see the band." I shrug. "And JD had also been looking forward to it."

"Let me get this straight." Kat holds up a hand. "You went on a date with my brother. And not just for a coffee. You had dinner with him."

I nod.

"And it wasn't horrible?"

I raise one shoulder and give her an embarrassed grimace. "No, it wasn't horrible. We ended up having a pretty good time."

A terrifying smile spreads on Kat's face. "Are you going to see him again?"

"No. Of course not. He's your brother. And he's an asshole."

The smile doesn't leave her face. "It would be kind of awesome if you started dating JD."

"No, it wouldn't. What if we broke up? It would get messy."

Kat's face falls. "Right. And you don't do messy. I remember. You never date anyone you can't avoid after a breakup."

"Right," I say. "And there is no avoiding JD, so there will be no dating."

"Does it really matter?" Lydia asks. We look at her. "You already hate each other. So even if you got together and then broke up, how much would it change?"

"That's true," Kat says and turns to me.

"I'm not dating JD," I say with a sigh. "So none of this matters. And I'm not doing anything that will put our friendship at risk."

"Aww, that's so sweet," Lydia says.

"You know we'll be friends no matter what," Kat says and reaches out for a hug.

I embrace her back. "You know what? Just because you're so awesome, I will make a serious effort to get along with him. As friends."

I take a deep breath and try to imprint this in my soul. I've made the promise before, and I always mean it. But this time, I really mean it. I can't keep breaking my promise to her, and I know it would make her happy.

Maybe last night proved that I can get along with JD.

Kat nods. "Thank you. And I hear you. You won't date my brother." I breathe a sigh of relief, but as I pull back, she still has that silly smile on her face.

"Just promise me you won't say anything about the date or kiss to him."

"What?" Both women shriek loud enough for everyone to stare at us.

I feel my cheeks pale as my words hit me.

"Fuck, I didn't mention that, did I?"

"You kissed?" Kat's mouth is hanging open.

"It was... We were dancing, and I was a bit drunk. It was nothing. Fuck, I shouldn't have mentioned that."

"Was it any good?" Lydia asks, leaning in close with a glimmer in her eyes.

"That's not the point," I say. "We already agreed nothing more can happen between us."

"Was it a quick peck? Or was there tongue?" Lydia is relentless.

"You're going to make a great talk show host," I say. "But I'm not a guest and I don't have to answer that."

"I'm not sure I want to know," Kat says. "That's my brother."

"Let's just agree to forget about it and never mention it to anyone."

Kat puts up her hands.

Lydia smirks. "I make no such promise. I'm invested now."

I roll my eyes, but I admire her honest curiosity. Around us, people are returning to their seats and we turn our attention back to the ice.

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