"Oh yeah, now it turns out." Charlie blushed, and accepted Nick's hug. "I really don't want to argue about them."

"Neither do I...let's just accept that surely all four of us are jealous of all four of us. okay?"

"That sounds chaotic and horrible." Charlie laugh.

"And sexy... admit it." Nick teased him.

"Well... a little sexy too."

"What do we do?" Nick got more serious.

"Pretend nothing's going on and just enjoy the party?" Charlie smiled, joking.

"That sounds like a lousy plan."

"What did you want to hear then?"

"You're right." They both laughed some more. "Just...let's promise that if something makes us uncomfortable we'll tell each other and work it out."

"Sounds like a great plan to me..." Nick was about to lead him back to the party until Charlie stopped him again. "...And, also, we're still on the understood it's just us for now...right? Unless the other one is aware and included."

"Exactly precious." Nick leaned in and stole a kiss. This time a longer, more comforting one for both of them.

When they returned to the party, smiling and hand in hand, it didn't take long to find Matias and Ben with their group of friends, but luckily this time none of the four hesitated, and continued to hold their respective partners as they all joined in the conversation.

"Nick¡ Charlie¡" Ben was the first to approach to greet them, surely also being the one with the least information. "I forgot to tell you I was coming with Mat...I would love to have been there to hear you sing Charlie, I didn't know that would happen!" Ben gave them both a hug, he looked truly happy, almost effervescent, something Ben had never been.

"We'll invite you to more of our concerts! I mean this one wasn't from the band or anything..." Charlie added hugging Ben but looking at Matias. "It was just a gift from Sahar, Karina, Tao and me. Good to see you."

"Did you really sing?" Matias tried to hide his anger but failed.

"It's phenomenal." Nick added, smiling at everyone, even Mat. "Nice to see you Ben...and you too Mat." Nick and Matias didn't hug, but both tried to be cordial.

"Likewise Nicolas." Mat shifted his attention to Charlie, "Curly." With him he did go over to hug him, but he did it quickly and coldly, trying to avoid his gaze...and they all noticed.

"Mat tells me that the band is back in business...I mean I'm getting ahead of myself but I'd love to produce something for you." Ben's innocence was almost torturous to the three of them as he held Mat's hand.

"I'd love to! We've got a lot of songs we'd love to record well and start distributing." Charlie told him lightly and excitedly.

"Mat showed me! You guys are very talented."

"What do you mean? you don't have anything recorded?" Nick was confused.

"Well, you need a studio, and a producer, and that's expensive. None of the three of us can afford it." Mat wasn't very good at not being hostile, and that made Nick uncomfortable. Charlie just held his hand to make him feel accompanied.

"Well you already have a producer, and I'd be happy to find you studios that won't make you spend so much." Ben offered.

"I love that idea." Mat walked over to Ben and grabbed him around the waist, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He responded as expected, and smiled and blushed. Nick and Charlie couldn't help but think of the parallel and irony of it all. So much for ignoring it.

Heart Attack (a HeartStopper story)Where stories live. Discover now