Chapter 5 - A new friend?

Start from the beginning

"And this is something you use in bed?" I've never been a prude. I used to think I was quite adventurous, but I've never used a safeword and this is all new to me.


"And have you ever used red?"

"Just a couple of times. And it's never Brick's fault." She hurries to say the last part as if I'm about to go blaming him. "Once, I used it because I had eaten too much and was in an awkward position, so I was getting nauseous. And Brick had pulled a muscle during hockey practice and something we did made it worse. It's usually things like that."

I can tell she's uncomfortable talking about it, so I drop the subject. Even though I'm kind of fascinated and would love to learn more.

When I first borrowed one of Kat's books, I was shocked at what I read, but over time, I've been thinking a bit more about it and I have to admit I'm curious.

I get back to the app and keep going through the profiles.

"You know," Kat says suddenly, "you're never going to match with anyone if you keep dismissing all of them without barely reading."

I sigh. I've been on autopilot, and that's not really giving the app a fair shot.

"You're right." I sit up straighter and check out the next profile.

"Let me help. I could use a break." Kat comes to sit next to me on the bed.

"This guy says to message him with an intelligent question that we can discuss." I grimace. "Pass. That sounds way too pretentious."

"Yeah, that's a no." She reads over my shoulder. "What is this? My interests are vintage cars and fine wines. Is that what they think women want?"

I swipe away that profile as well. Soon we're reading and laughing at the different approaches the men have taken.

"Oh, no," Kat says and gets up. "You can't demand good head in the profile." She shakes her head and gets back to her laptop.

"I mean, I do give good head. But yeah, that's a weird thing to put as your intro."

I swipe, and the next profile shows up. Breakawayking.

"This one doesn't look half bad." I scan it quickly. "He's a business major and plans to work in real estate. He likes going out with friends, and his secret hobby is photography."

"That sounds decent," Kat says.

I look further into his profile. The app works so your first impression is only a sentence or two and if you want to know more; you click the profile and this starts the match. The more times you click to find out more, the stronger the match from your side.

Supposedly, the algorithms will use this info to match you with similar candidates in the future.

I've checked out a couple of profiles just to get to know the app, but so far I haven't clicked that final 'I'm interested to know more' button on anyone. Once you click that, the other person gets a notification and can look through your profile. If they make it to the end and click 'interested', you can message each other.

"He loves to eat. He's looking for someone who likes going out, someone who will challenge him and who appreciates loyalty. I think this might be the best profile I've read so far."

"So match with him."

I take a breath and click the final button. "There. Now, I guess I'll just wait and see what happens."

"You could look for more guys to match with."

I grimace, but keep scrolling.

It doesn't take long before a message pops up that breakawayking is also interested. I show it to Kat.

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