Mother's Daughter | Kate Bishop

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summary: [Y/N] and Kate's dynamic is chaotic but so cute

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summary: [Y/N] and Kate's dynamic is chaotic but so cute.

words count: 1,140

a/n: a very cute one.. also... KATE BISHOP IN THE MARVELS ???!!!! not proofread.

3rd POV •

      In the heart of New York City, Kate Bishop's apartment echoed with the laughter of a five-year-old tornado named [Y/N]. With her hair bouncing, [Y/N] raced around the living room, a makeshift bow clutched in her tiny hands.

"Mommy, watch this!" [Y/N] declared, aiming her toy arrow at an imaginary target.

      Kate, sprawled on the couch with a stack of arrows in hand, looked up from her phone. "Ready, little Hawkeye. Show me what you've got."

      The mini-archer released her arrow, and it soared gracefully through the air—landing right in the middle of the couch cushions.

"Wow, bullseye!" Kate exclaimed, unable to suppress a grin.

"[Y/N]!" called a stern voice from the doorway. Clint Barton stood there, eyebrow raised, arms crossed. "We talked about practicing inside."

"But Mommy lets me do it!" [Y/N] protested, looking to Kate for support.

      Kate tried to maintain a serious expression, failing miserably as a smile tugged at her lips. "Well, maybe we should consider an outdoor range next time. What do you say, partner?"

"[Y/N], safety first." Clint added, trying to be the voice of reason.

      The little Hawkeye sighed dramatically, her pout melting into a mischievous grin. "Fine, Uncle Clint..." Both Clint and Kate exchanged amused glances, nodding in agreement.

      With a mischievous glint in her eyes, [Y/N] decided to take her archery skills to the next level. She carefully notched an arrow, took aim at her unsuspecting mother, and let it fly.

      The toy arrow soared through the air, and Kate, caught off guard, dramatically clutched her chest. "Oh no, I've been hit!" she exclaimed, theatrically slumping over on the couch.

"[Y/N]!" Clint called out, a mix of concern and amusement in his voice. "What have you done?"

      [Y/N]'s eyes widened, a mixture of panic and excitement. "Mommy? Mommy, wake up!"

      Kate remained motionless, playing along with the game. Slowly, she peeked open one eye. "Is it safe to open my eyes, little Hawkeye?"

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