"It hurts"

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summary: y/n and hailee are both in their teen years. y/n is in her 10th grade while hailee is in her 11th. y/n was 15 years old meanwhile hailee was 16. what happens when y/n discovers she just had her first ever period...?

a/n: in case you were wondering, yes it can happen that girls don't have their first period at a "young age". i was 10-11 when it happened to me and now i'm 19 BUT ANYWAY.

also, it will probably be a short one since i don't really have time to write but i still want to give you a little something from me <3.

words count: 1,783

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y/n's pov

   I was walking in the corridors of the high school, alone. I didn't really have friends and I didn't really liked being surrounded by a lot of people. It was great being alone but I hated the loneliness. Thank god I had someone that truly cared for me because I was living alone with my older sister, Hanna. She was 19 years old and had a great job so we could spend a normal and comfy life. Another person that could care for me: Hailee. Hailee is my girlfriend. She's a year older than me and is in her junior year. We started dating a few months again when I came into that school. I only did one year at my previous high school because Hanna and I had to move away for her job. Now we were living in California, in the county of Los Angeles, near the beach. We owned a little puppy named Leny.

   Hailee and I wasn't something I expected when we first spoke because I spilled coffee on her shirt and she got really mad. The next day, she apologized to me, saying she was having a bad day and coffee all over her shirt didn't help to calm her nerves. She asked for my number but I found it too fast so I didn't give her. She gave me hers though so when I was ready to talk to her again, I could simply text her instead of looking for her in this big ass school. She was really nice to me, she was like an angel. Sometimes I saw her in the corridors and she left her group of friends to greet me at my locker. She wasn't popular but a lot of people knew who she was thanks to her name. At first, I didn't know her last name; she never told me what it was. She is rich. Well... Her parents are. Hailee was an artist: she sang a little and did acting classes during school time. I was a nobody next to her but Hailee never brought me down, saying she was better than me. She never used her name against me. She even said I was talented in what I did; I drew a lot of things and took pictures of everything that I found beautiful, so, almost everything in the city.

   Back to high school, I was walking. I was looking for Hailee but the tons of students didn't help me at all. I crossed the "popular" ones path and immediately looked down. Not that they intimidated me but mostly because I didn't want to deal with them right now as I wanted Hailee. But they stopped me from going anywhere.

"Hey, Y/L/N!" One called my attention so I looked at him.

"What do you want?!" I talked back at him and I can tell he didn't like it.

"Jeez, calm down sweetheart. Something didn't enjoy themselves last night." He chuckled, so did his friends. "Or maybe it was way too rough for you that your pussy is now bleeding." He laughed this time and punched my shoulder. "See you around, Y/L/N." He left with his friends and I held my shoulder with my hand. It's definitely gonna leave a big bruise.

   All of that drama caught people's attention and I could feel their look all over my body, almost undressing me with their agressive eyes. It quickly became overwhelming and I searched for the nearest bathroom. When I saw one, I quickly entered the girls bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed and started crying when I saw that my white pants were covered in red, just under where my cunt was. I fell on the floor and sat against the wall. My legs were pressed against my chest and my arms were wrapping them tightly. I cried in my arms, not knowing why people were bullying me in some ways. What did I do to them? Why nobody likes me? Why people keep pushing me away? Why people make fun of all the time though I'm like them, I'm only human after all.

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