She knows... She knows...

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summary: y/n sneaks out of her house to go to a party.


words count: 2,331

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y/n's pov

"Hey babe." A male voice came from behind and I felt strong arms wrapping around me. I immediately recognized the voice but also the musculature. Conor, my boyfriend. I leaned more into his touch but turned around quickly to put my hands on his neck.

"Hi, lover." I looked at him with loving eyes and pecked his lips, him smiling like an idiot after my action.

"How's the best Steinfeld of her generation?"

"It's easy to find who you're talking about.. I'm the only Steinfeld born in 2013 dipshit."

   Hi. I'm Y/N Steinfeld. I'm 16 and that's everything you have to know, bye! No oke I'm kidding. You must know my last name. You probably heard about it someday. If you don't, why are you living? Anyway. My mom is... Hailee Steinfeld herself! Mhm. I know. You think it's a joke. But ask her. She won't lie about something like that. So no, I'm not her niece but Griffin's. Her brother. My uncle. At first, I wasn't wanted. Well, mom didn't know she was pregnant of me cause she did a denial of pregnancy after being.. uhm.. raped.. she told me the story of my existence. She took the morning after pill but turns out, it didn't work since I'm here, speaking to you. We went through a lot of things together but we are still here. Some little accidents happened.. One day, she caught me and Conor making out on the couch while she wasn't at home. I can tell you that I had the pleasure to hear about the "use a protection" speech for 3 whole hours but I told her that it won't happen again since, when it happened, Conor and I were only friends. She really was about to kick his ass for shoving his tongue down my throat but she never heard about him since it happened.

   Conor and I are dating since about a month. Mom obviously doesn't know. She even thinks that I'm not friend with anymore when she "threatened" him the first and last time she saw him, that he got scared of her. But nah, it doesn't work like that. The fact mom didn't approve that only increased our desire for each other.

   Mom is very, very, VERY protective. Maybe she's too protective over me but, I understand her. When you love someone, when your really love that someone, you'll do everything you can do protect her or him. Mom loves me. I don't know how much though but every single day, before sleeping, she comes to my room to say goodnight and kisses my forehead before whispering the cutest 'I love you' you can get from someone. She is very supportive and will never stop encouraging to do what you want. She will always try her best to put a smile on your face even if you had a bad day. In one way or another, mom will ALWAYS change your mind and more particularly when she says 'movie night'. Movie night is our thing. When we had a bad day: movie night. When the weather is like shit: movie all day. When it's saturday night: movie night, even though mom works hard on saturdays. She still tries her best to be on time. Usually I sleep during the movie and the morning I wake up in my bed while I fell asleep on the couch, my head always on my mom's thighs. I'm always lay down and she's sitting, patting my head. We have some arguments, of course, it's completely normal, but we always end up into each other's arms.

"Oh shut up you." He replied, slowly making me step back against my locker.

"Make me." I said, giving him a look when I suddenly feel my back collapsed on the metal structure.

"Too easy." He smirked and kissed me passionately. After a few seconds, I could feel his tongue dancing with mine and when the bell rang, we pulled away, sighing.

"I'll see you tonight at the party?" He asked, stroking my cheek.

"I don't know if I can.."

"Well, if you can't and really want to go, you should fake being sick. It can work. And then, you sneak out of your house. I'll be waiting for you outside."

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